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Alcoholism Survey

This is a confidential survey for a highschool psychology course. Results will be used for an essay I must write. Feel free to not answer any questions that you don't feel comfortable with.
1) When did you have your first alcoholic drink?
a) 6-10 years old
b) 11-14 years old
c) 15-18 years old
d) 19+
2) How often do you drink alcohol?
a) more than 1 a day
b) once a day
c) once a week
d) once a month or less
3) After a stressful day at work.school, do you have a drink?
a) never
b) sometimes
c) more often than not
d) every day
5) Do either of you parents drink?
a) yes
b) no
6) Does anyone you know have a drinking problem?
a) yes
b) no
7) Is alcholism present in your family history?
a) yes
b) no
8) Do your parents allow you to drink?
a) yes
b) no
9) Do you feel you need alcohol to have fun/get through the day?
a) yes
b) no
10) Do you drink alcohol by yourself?
a) yes
b) no
11) Do your friends drink?
a) none of them
b) some of them
c) most of them
d) all of them
12) Has anyone ever told you that you have a problem or that they're worried about you?
a) yes
b) no
13) Have you ever gone for help for an alcohol related reason?
a) yes
b) no
This poll was created on 2003-12-16 22:20:40 by Alcoholism Survey