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The Baby Boomer Poll

This poll is to discuss the generation born between 1946 and 1964... (You don't have to be a Baby Boomer to take this!) How much do you know about what went on during their lifetime?
When baby boomers were born, there were half as many people in the world as there are now. The Houston Chronicle reported in Feb 2000 that every three days, the amount of new births equal a city the size of San Francisco, which is equivalant to about 3 babies every second. Please react to this information with one of the following choices:
uh oh
oh sh*t
this doesn't worry me; I love traffic jams, pollution, and waste control issues
Our nation has been filling landfills for so many years, that in even in beautiful San Diego, they only have between 5 and 15 years left before all of their space is used up. Boston and San Francisco are both built on landfills. (hence the massive damage when the earth quakes occured)... How much has the baby boomer generation done to remedy this problem?
I don't understand the problem with landfills filling up
I didn't know trash went into landfills; I thought it went into magic land
Since the human body is composed roughly of 70% water, is all of our fresh water walking around in human form?
oh, hey... it must be!
no, there is still water left... oh, but it's in the ocean, and it's salty...
what does this have to do with baby boomers?
If you answered 'what does this have to do with baby boomers?', do you understand how much the population increased with their generation? And that all the children THEY had drink water each day?
huh? ...now I'm really confused
In 1908, Ford invented the Model T, and it got 25 miles to the gallon. Ford vehicles today on average get about 19 mpg. This is quite pathetic, yet they have the nerve to claim '100 years of innovation'. How many baby boomers do you know that drive fords?
zero (there is a god!)
between 10-20
between 20-30
More than 30 (uh-oh...)
The baby boomer generation accounts for the greatest population increase this planet has ever seen. Hence the term 'Baby Boomers'. Keeping this in mind, it is hard for me to understand why their generation wasn't responsible for creating the greatest public transportation system in history. Why do YOU think they 'never got around' to doing this?
they were lazy
they weren't very intelliegent
they never understood the term 'baby boomer'
they thought cars were "novel"
they owned gas stations or oil stock, and didn't want to lose money
"oh, you kids are so smart, you'll think of something"
Most baby boomers had the idea in their head that their children "should go to college, and get a good education" It seems that it never occured to them that if ALL their kids went to college, then everyone would have degrees, rendering college degrees the new high school diploma. Do you think this was a baby boomer conspriracy to waste an extra four years of our lives? Or was it simply a way for them to make more money off all the things that go along with college... ie: tuition, backpacks and school supplies, apartment rentals, books, food costs, coffee, phone bills from calling long distance, gasoline from students driving home every weekend, etc. ...
they did it to waste four years of our lives
they wanted to make money off of us
naw; there are so many jobs that I can get with my fancy college degree......
Many baby boomers have tried to use the excuse that they are "just too busy to recycle", yet they have just as many hours in a day as the people in Japan, who have five separate bins to separate their trash and recyclables, and work more hours every year on average than Americans. Why do they still try to use this as an excuse?
they are lazy as h*ll
they are lazy as h*ll
they are really lazy
they think they are royalty, and someone else should clean up THEIR mess
they aren't aware that the earth is a finite amount of space
they can't count to five, so the whole 'five bins' thing is really confusing
One of the reasons baby boomers are still working (into their twilight years) is because many of them tried to day-trade their 401k s and make themselves rich, and it backfired. Gambling their savings suddeny meant that they would have to work longer to make up for their 'loss'. They now, of course, refuse to retire, because that would mean admitting their failure, AND having to retire with less money than they were planning on. Which is another reason why our housing prices have risen so dramaically recently. (and let's not forget baby boomers all want to believe they've "made it" and that they own a half-million dollar house.) So they're all trying to sell their two bedroom, one bath 1000-sq ft houses for $650,000... which is intresting; how do we buy a house that expensive when no job pays enough to spend that much? What can the next the generation do to counter this problem? (Remember: WE can't start working until THEY retire...)
sh*t in our pants and refuse to clean it up
refuse to spend ungodly amounts on houses; and only offer a fair price
force retirement on their generation
live like homeless people, because that's what we're going to be if they keep this up
oh my God, my hands are tied by the stupidity of others!
What is your age?
under 18
18 - 21
22 - 25
26 - 30
31 - 38
Baby Boomer
59 - 64
65 +
What did you think of poll?
It was mean! How can you hold them responsable for their own actions!?
It was interesting
It was necessary
This poll was created on 2003-12-18 21:35:05 by More Facts, Less Opinion