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Mixed fights

Which sex is better fighter?

Are you male or female?

72% (526) Male
27% (204) Female

730 voters have answered this question.

Karate for girls:Did you ever have karate match with boy?

60% (161) Yes-I Won
8% (23) Yes-I loos
31% (83) No

267 voters have answered this question.

Wrestling for girls:Did you ever have wrestling match with boy?

76% (195) Yes-I won
11% (29) Yes-I lose
12% (31) No

255 voters have answered this question.

Boxing for girls:Did you ever have Boxing match with boy?

70% (167) Yes-I won
10% (26) Yes-I lose
18% (45) No

238 voters have answered this question.

Judo for girls:Did you ever have judo match with boy?

69% (165) Yes-I won
7% (17) Yes-I lose
23% (57) No

239 voters have answered this question.

Karate for boys:Did you ever have karate match with girl?

14% (75) Yes-I won
49% (251) Yes-I lose
36% (185) No

511 voters have answered this question.

Wrestling for boys:Did you ever have Wrestling match with girl?

19% (104) Yes-I won
69% (375) Yes-I lose
10% (58) No

537 voters have answered this question.

Boxing for boys:Did you ever have boxing match with girl?

17% (88) Yes-I won
57% (298) Yes-I lose
25% (131) No

517 voters have answered this question.

Judo for boys:Did you ever have judo match with girl?

13% (64) Yes-I won
53% (264) Yes-I lose
33% (163) No

491 voters have answered this question.

For girls:Do you train any fighting sport?

9% (23) Karate
10% (26) Judo
19% (46) Wrestling
7% (17) Boxing
16% (39) Kickboxing
2% (5) Other
34% (83) No

239 voters have answered this question.

For boys:Do you train any fighting sport?

8% (41) Karate
7% (37) Judo
16% (81) Wrestling
19% (97) Boxing
5% (26) Kickboxing
6% (35) Other
37% (187) No

504 voters have answered this question.

For girls:Where did you fight with boy?

24% (58) On training
20% (48) In school
35% (82) At home
19% (45) Other

233 voters have answered this question.

For boys:Where did you fight with girl?

18% (98) On training
22% (117) In school
40% (215) At home
18% (100) Other

530 voters have answered this question.

For girls:How many times did you fight with boys?

2% (7) 1
3% (9) 2
6% (15) 2-5
14% (33) 5-10
72% (170) more then ten

234 voters have answered this question.

For boys:How many times did you fight with girl?

8% (47) 1
5% (28) 2
19% (104) 2-5
13% (73) 5-10
52% (283) more then ten

535 voters have answered this question.

For girls:How many times do you win?

7% (17) Never
4% (11) 10%
2% (6) 10-40%
4% (10) 40-60%
23% (55) 60-90%
58% (140) 100%

239 voters have answered this question.

For boys:How many times do you win?

55% (305) Never
8% (48) 10%
8% (45) 10-40%
7% (41) 40-60%
9% (52) 60-90%
10% (55) 100%

546 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-12-16 23:40:43 by alko2
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