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The Exorcist

What do you think about the best horror movie ever made?
Do you think The Exorcist is scary?
Yes, It's really scary
A bit scary, A bit funny
No It wasn't scary
It's really funny
What do ou think of the sequels to The Exorcist?
They were better then the original
They were OK, but not as good
They were not good at all
They sucked
Do you think that The Exorcist is better then modern Horror movies?
Yeah,It's the best Horror movie ever
Better then some
It's not as scary as todays Horror movies
It sucks, It's should be dumped
Do you think The Exorcist is too long and boring?
Yeah, It's really boring
It would bore you to death
No It's a long funny movie
This poll was created on 2003-12-22 00:08:30 by MD1