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Teenage Dating

How dating affects teen social life and homework.
1.Are you male or female?
1. A. Male
B. Female
2.How old are you?
A. 12-14
B. 15-17
C. 18-19
D. 20+
3.Are you currently in a relationship?
4.If not in a current relationship, Why not?
A. Not enough time
B. Not interested
C. Not allowed
D. Just ended a relationship
5.If in a relationship, How much time on average do you spend on homework?
A. Less than an 1 hour
B. 1-2 hours
C. 3+
D. None
6.If you are in a relationship how much time do you spend with friends on average?
A. Less than 1 hour
B. 1-3
C. 3-5
D. 5+
E. None
7. If not in a relationship how much time do you spend on average on homework?
A. Less than an 1 hour
B. 1-3
C. 3+
D. None
8. If not in a relationship how much time do you spend with your friends on average?
A. Less than 1 hour
B. 1-3
C. 3+
D. None
9. How much time do you spend with your significant other on average?
A. Less than 1 hour
B. 1-3
C. 3-5
D. 5+
10. Do you spend more time with your siginificant other or your friends?
A. Friends
B. Significant other
C. Same
11. Do you spend more time on your homework or your significant other?
A. Homework
B. Significant Other
C. Same
This poll was created on 2004-01-26 20:50:14 by Ford