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Being told to stop videotaping

There are a lot of places where rules are set that do not permit the use of cameras or videocameras because of many reasons. Here's a few questions just to see what people think.
Do you own a camcorder?
Not Sure
Have you ever been asked by someone to stop videotaping? (Not at home)
Not Sure
If so, where were you asked to stop?
At a live concert of someone
At a book signing of someone (or someone giving a speech)
At a train station or on a train
At an Indian Pueblo
On an airplane or at an airport
At a movie theatre
In a simulator Ride
At a border building (where you go from one country to another)
On an amusment park ride
At a museum
Of the following places, in which place is it most UNfair when someone asks you to stop videotaping?
At a live concert of someone
At a book signing of someone (or someone giving a speech)
At a train station or on a train
At an Indian Pueblo
On an airplane or at an airport
At a movie theatre
In a simulator Ride
At a border building (where you go from one country to another)
On an amusment park ride
At a museum
If you were stopped, what were the consequences of filming when you should'nt of?
They told me to stop
They confiscated my tape / recording device
They confiscated both my tape / recording device and camcorder
They destroyed my tape / recording device
Not Sure
For those who have never been asked to stop filming or who don't have camcorders, what do you think is the most logial thing for people to do when they don't want someone filming?
Just tell them to stop
Just tell them to stop and give them a warning
Confiscate the camcorder or recording device
Destroy (or publicly smash) the camcorder or recording device
Not Sure
What is the biggest reason for people being told not to film?
Security concerns
Copyright -- they don't want people making money off other people's work
Safety -- The people in charge of a public thing (i.e. roller coaster) don't want to be sewed
Beliefs -- The group or organization doesn't want filming because they don't believe in it
They're just paranoid
All of the above
Have more filming regulations been added over the past 5 years?
Not Sure
If you were told to stop filming what was your reaction?
I didn't complain, I just kept quiet but was disappointed
I didn't care, I filmed what I filmed and that was the end of it
I complained and they decided to let me film
I complained but they decided not to let me film
I was filming originally and didn't know it wasn't allowed
Both #1 and #5
Not Sure
Do you like the way regulations are right now?
Yes, they are just fine
No, there are too many regulations, filming should be allowed more often
Not Sure
How old are you?
1-13 Years old
14-20 years old
21-30 years old
31-40 years old
41-50 years old
51-60 years old
61-70 years old
71 years old +
This poll was created on 2004-03-05 04:21:12 by Pollmaker0116