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Living Situations

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This poll was designed for children 11-18 years of age to get a better understanding of living situations of children and teens. If you are under 11 or older than 18, please do not vote. Some questions may seem personal, but this poll is anonymous and no one, not even me, sees who voted what. The results will be used for us to better understand the needs/wants of children, so that we can adjust our services accordingly.

***Note that where you see "(yes me)" after an answer, it means that was my answer. Just so you know that I am giving input too.

How old are you?

13% (9) 11
4% (3) 12
7% (5) 13
17% (12) 14
20% (14) 15 (Yes, Me)
8% (6) 16
11% (8) 17
14% (10) 18

67 voters have answered this question.

What is your sex?

59% (40) Male (Boy) (Yes Me)
40% (27) Female (Girl)

67 voters have answered this question.

What best describes your home situation?

83% (57) Live With Parents (Yes Me)
4% (3) Live With Other Family
1% (1) Live On Your Own
7% (5) Foster Home/Group Home
2% (2) Live With Friends

68 voters have answered this question.

Who do you live with?

61% (41) Both Mom and Dad
17% (12) Just Mom (Yes Me)
5% (4) Just Dad
2% (2) Relatives
2% (2) Friends
8% (6) Foster Parents

67 voters have answered this question.

What best describes your family's financial status?

6% (4) Upper Class (Rich)
77% (51) Middle Class (In Between) (Yes Me)
16% (11) Low Class (Poor)

66 voters have answered this question.

Do you currently have your own website?

7% (5) Yes (yes me)
92% (62) No

67 voters have answered this question.

If no, have you ever wanted one?

35% (24) Yes
59% (40) No
4% (3) I have a website (yes me)

67 voters have answered this question.

Do you currently have a job?

22% (15) Yes (yes me)
77% (53) No

68 voters have answered this question.

How many siblings (brothers/sisters) do you have?

8% (6) None
22% (15) 1 (Yes me)
41% (28) 2
5% (4) 3
4% (3) 4
16% (11) 5 or more

67 voters have answered this question.

What is your attitude toward school?

10% (7) Love It
72% (49) It's OK (yes me)
16% (11) It Sucks
1% (1) What's School? (Meaning a dropout)

68 voters have answered this question.

What is your favorite subject in school?

20% (14) English
10% (7) Math
10% (7) Science
17% (12) Social Studies
11% (8) Foreign Language (yes me)
4% (3) Technology
2% (2) Business
10% (7) Fine Arts (includes music)
10% (7) Other

67 voters have answered this question.

In an average week, how often are you on the computer?

20% (14) 1-3 hours
32% (22) 4-6 hours
22% (15) 7-9 hours
25% (17) More than 10 hours (yes me)

68 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever tried smoking?

41% (28) Yes
58% (40) No (yes me)

68 voters have answered this question.

If yes, did you get caught?

30% (20) Yes
12% (8) No
56% (37) Never Smoked (yes me)

65 voters have answered this question.

If you have been caught smoking, did your parents care?

27% (17) YES, I was grounded forever
4% (3) No
6% (4) Haven't been caught...yet
61% (38) Never smoked (yes me)

62 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever tried drugs?

22% (15) Yes
77% (52) No (yes me)

67 voters have answered this question.

If yes, did you get caught?

7% (5) Yes
14% (9) No
77% (49) Never done drugs (yes me)

63 voters have answered this question.

If you got caught, did your parents care?

7% (4) YES, I was grounded forever
3% (2) No
10% (6) Haven't been caught...yet
78% (45) Never done drugs (yes me)

57 voters have answered this question.

What is your sexual preference?

74% (50) Straight (Heterosexual) (yes me)
10% (7) Gay/Lesbian (Homosexual)
14% (10) Bi-Sexual

67 voters have answered this question.

What punishment(s) have you ever been given since your birth?

82% (56) Grounded (yes me)
66% (45) Bed Early
80% (55) Spanking (ouch lol) (yes me)
26% (18) Soap In The Mouth (Always yummy)
76% (52) Yelled At (Yes Me)
16% (11) Other (Post in forums so i can add)

68 voters have answered this question.

What punishment(s) do you receive now?

56% (37) Grounded (yes me)
31% (21) Bed Early
50% (33) Spanking
16% (11) Soap in mouth
62% (41) Yelled at (yes me)
13% (9) Other (Post so i can add)

66 voters have answered this question.

Do you love your parents?

83% (57) Yes (yes me)
1% (1) No
14% (10) Depends on if they piss me off

68 voters have answered this question.

Thanks for your time! Your answers have been extremely helpful. Would you be interested in learning more about our web hosting or website design services?

3% (2) Yes, e-mail sales@ezwebhosters.com
96% (54) No, Thanks anyway! (yes me..lol)

56 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-01-24 02:25:20 by EZ Web Hosters
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