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Courage, or Coward?

What do you think citizens ought to be able to do, in defense of their country or culture?
Let's say that Country A is militarily occupied by Country B. A citizen of A, in a suicide attack, blows up a dozen soldiers from B. What do you think of the suicide bomber?
He is Courageous.
He is a Coward.
What about the soldiers from B, who were killed.
Courageous heroes defending their country.
Cowards using superior power to oppress another country.
During the Vietnam War, many Americans went to Canada to avoid and protest the war. How would you characterize them?
How would you feel aboutan American who fled to Canada to avoid or protest the military occupation of Iraq?
Lets go back to the first question, about the suicide bomber. If you were also a compatriot of the suicide bonber, would you consider him to be Courageous or a Coward?
Same question, but now assume you are a compatriot of the soldiers. Is the suicide bomber Courageous, or Coward?
Supposing it is YOUR country that is militarily occupied and oppressed by a foreign power. Your brother says he intends to become a suicide bomber, atainst the aggressors. What do yuou say to him?
"You are very courageous."
"You are a Coward."
Who do you think is responsible for the situation in the first question?
The soldiers and the suicide bomber themselves, personally at fault.
The governing policy-makers of their country.
The citizenry as a whole of their country.
If the governing policy-makers of your country take a position, and ask you to risk your life in defense of that position, and you morally object and act according to your conscience, what does that say about you?
In 1836, the US went to war against Mexico to preserve the right of American settlers in Texas to own slaves---slavery had been abolished in Mexico. Would you have fought in the Alamo to defend Slavery?
In the 1840's, American soldiers slaughtered Indians who got in the way of commercial expansion. Would you have killed Indians as a US soldier?
Do you believe the US government has ever declared war and then called upon the citizens to commit immoral acts in carrying out an immoral war? And, second part, do you believe Americans are obliged as an article of patriotism to carry out those immoral acts?
Yes and Yes
Yes and No.
No to first part, second part irrelevant.
This poll was created on 2004-01-30 20:48:15 by jtur88