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Legs That Rock (guys only)

Find out what kind of legs on a girl really gets you going!
First of all, would you say that you have the same preferences in the physical aspects of a girl as your peers?
Yes, my peers and I all like the same kind of body on a woman
I have very similar preferences as my peers
My preferences are very different than those of my peers
How old are you?
Under 13
Over 40
Okay, now what kind of legs do you prefer a girl to have?
Fairly average
Slender and curvy
Fit and toned
Totally muscular
Somewhat chunky
What kind of clothing do you think makes a girls' legs look the sexiest?
Long skirt
Shorter skirt
Mini skirt
Short shorts
Bikini or underwear
Back to question #3- What kind of legs do you most often find your eyes drawn to?
Fairly average
Slender and curvy
Fit and toned
Totally muscular
Somewhat chunky
If you answered 'skinny' for #5, why?
Skinny legs are so hot!
Skinny legs are not common, so I always notice
Skinny legs are so revolting, I can't help but look in disgust!
I don't know, they just catch my eye
If you answered 'slender and curvy' for #5, why?
They are so sexy looking!
They're awful, but I can't help it!
I don't know, they just catch my eye
If you answered 'fit and toned' or 'totally muscular' for #5, why?
I get so turned on by a girl with muscles!
Muscular legs on a girl are somewhat rare, so I always notice
They're just revolting, I can't help noticing!
I don't know, they just always catch my eye
In my experience, my male peers have almost always agreed that the sexiest and most exciting legs on a girl are toned and muscular. Why do you think this is so?
Toned and muscular legs show that a girl works out and takes care of herself
(I know this sounds a bit crazy, but...) Maybe guys like the feeling of a stronger and more muscular
Girls with muscular legs must play sports, and guys love to talk about sports!
Girls with muscular legs are awesome in bed
No idea
I think your peers are crazy!
Okay, just one more question concerning muscles! Do you feel sexually excited when a girl flexes her leg muscles (or any other muscles, for that matter) for you?
Hell yeah!
Kind of, but but there are other things she could do that are sexier
I don't feel sexually aroused, but maybe a bit intimidated!
No, in fact I'm revolted
Do you think a girl's legs look better in...
Knee-high socks
Concerning footwear, would you prefer a girl wear...
Tennis shoes
Sandals (including flip-flops)
High heels
What kind of skin tone do you prefer?
Somewhat tanned
Well tanned
Very darkly tanned
How important are a girl's legs to her overall appearance?
Legs are the #1 quality I look at!
Legs are very imprtant
Legs are somewhat important
I don't really care about the legs in the long run
It all depends on her other qualities
Last question! What did you think of this poll? (By the way, check out the results of this poll, they may suprise you!)
I thought this was one of the better polls on this site!
It was a good poll
It was okay
I wasted my time!
This poll was created on 2004-02-08 07:07:36 by gfoo86