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Teenboys and Tissues

Boys attitudes to using Kleenex
Are you a teenboy?
No (please don't take this poll)
How Old Are You
10 and under
21 or over (please don't take this poll)
When the need arises, do you use a tissue or handkerchief to blow your nose on?
Do you have a box of tissues in your bedroom?
Yes, I have my own box of tissues
No, I use the family box
I don't use tissues at all
Do you have a tissue or some tissues with you most of the time?
I grab a fresh tissue everyday and put it in my pocket
I take a few tissues with me wherever I go
I carry a pocket pack of tissues
I use a handkerchief
I don't carry either a tissue or a handkerchief
Do you feel embarrased using a tissue in public?
I need to blow my nose, I don't care
I sometimes feel embarrased by using a tissue
Tissues are for girls!!
Others have teased me for using a tissue
They are less embarrasing than handkerchiefs
Have you ever given another boy a tissue?
I have offered my tissue to another boy because he asked me if I had one
I have offered a tissue to another boy because I felt he needed to blow his nose
I have never offered another boy a tissue
Have you ever bought your own box of tissues?
I have bought my own box of tissues, no problem with that
I have bought my own box of tissues, slightly embarrased
I have never bought my own box of tissues, my parent(s) buy them for me
I wouldn't be seen dead buying a box of tissues
As a rule, do you think it's better than a person should blow their nose or sniff?
They should really blow their nose, sniffing is unpleasant for them and for others
Sniffing doesn't bother me
This poll was created on 2004-02-12 23:50:33 by Kleeny