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Final Fantasy Tactics Philosophy

In the videogame Final Fantasy Tactics, many political and moral issues are brought up. I have taken some quotes from the game and you say whether you agree with the person's views or not. To avoid confusion, Beoulve is the name of a legendary warrior family, Balbanes, Ramza, and Dycedarg are all members of the Beoulve family.
Balbanes: Listen, Ramza...... A Beoulve has served the royal family for generations. The warrior spirit is in us. Never shame your name... never tolerate in justice... Living true to your heart is the warrior's way......the Beoulve way.
Strongly agree(about the warrior's way statement)
Strongly Disagree
Warriors don't need a sense of justice
Gustav: Your revolution can never succeed!! What we need is food and a place to sleep, not ideas! And we need it now!! Wiegraf: You only see the present. You have to fix the basics! Gustav: And you think you'll do that? I don't think so, never!
Strongly Agree with Gustav
Agree with Gustav
Agree with Wiegraf
Strongly Agree with Wiegraf
Dycedarg: If everyone acted lawlessly, how could "law" exist? We Beoulves must show the importance of observing the "law" as the Knights rule. Are you trying to ruin the Beoulve name?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Miluda: Who do you think you are!? We're not animals! We're human, just like you! There's no difference among us other than our families! You ever been hungry? With only soup to eat for months? Why do we have to suffer? Because you nobles deprive us our right to live! Algus: Human? Hmph, ridiculous! From the minute you were born you had to obey us! From the second you were born you were our animals!! Miluda: Says who!? That's nonsense! Who decided all of this?! Algus: It is the Will of Heaven! Miluda: Heaven? God would never say such things! In His eyes, all are equal! He'd never let this happen! Never! Algus: Animals have no God!!
Strongly Agree with Algus
Agree with Algus
Strongly Agree with Miluda
Agree with Miluda
Algus: Ramza Kill her(Miluda), now! She's your enemy! An enemy of the Beoulves! Understand? Your enemy! She's a loser. Who's lost sight of life! Losers cannot remain alive! If we don't kill her, she'll kill us! We can't coexist! Kill her, Ramza! With your own hands!!
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Algus: Ramza, don't you see? He's not one of us. You see, Ramza, we nobles can't live with them. Ramza: Lies! He's my good friend. We're like brothers! Algus: That's exactly the point. Don't act like friends. You are the son of a distinguished family. You cannot be with him. I'm sure your brothers would agree with me!
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
Wiegraf: Youre so green! All leaders make war!
Stronlgy Agree
Stronlgy Disagree
Gafgarion: We won't help you. It's not in the contract. Agrias: We don't need help from one who's not even a knight! A knight must fix his own mistakes. This is one of our responsibilities as guards!
Gafgarion is right
Agrias is right
Gafgarion: We shouldn't do anything that doesn't make money.
Right on! Thats how you get ahead.
There is much more to life than money.
Wiegraf: You don't understand how hard it is to fulfill your ideal. Even if your ideal is great, it's just a dream if you can't fulfill it! So how can you fulfill it? You need power! That's the politics of the world! I can see it clearly now! You can't fulfill your dreams without power!
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Delita: Try hard and you'll be rewarded they say. Lies... Only those close to the top are rewarded without trying, It's the way of the world. Most people have to act the roles given to them... Then again, most of them haven't even noticed they're even acting.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Ramza: This is the end of the Beoulves... Names don't matter... What's important is how you live your life.
Stronlgy Agree
Strongly Disagree
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This poll was created on 2004-02-28 23:34:03 by Ironfist