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Americans, your views on other nations

Americans, what's your view on other nations?
Americans, your view on Canada (english Canada)?
Nice little nation besides us. Always ready when we are.
Friendly but backward neighbors
Strong nation
Poor nation with vey pathetic army.
I don't know Canada
View on Quebec (French canada)
Very nice place, I like the european style of old quebec cities.
They really suck with their stupid independantist movement.
they're OK I've no problem with them.
Inferior to English Canadians, should be assimilated
Dont know where Quebec is
View on France?
Very very obstinate nation. Old Europe but I like them anyway
Strong nation with a respectable army
I hate Frenchies since a long time!
I dislike them since the "Second Gulf War"
Strongest European nation
Great Britain?
Our strong and friendly Allies.
They follow us because we helped them win WW2
A respectable country. Good traditions
I dislike them.
I hate them since 1774
Strongest European country
Strongest European country
Very strong and respectable. I like them
strong but I dislike them
Gang of nazis!
Very poor nation
I dislike them since the "Second Gulf war"
Well, still a Superpower
ex-superpower, now they don,t even know how to use nuclear waepons
strongest European nation
respectable nation, good vodka
A danger for world peace
Very poor since 1991
Ganf of communists!
now a Superpower
Very strong nation but not superpower
Danger for world peace
I like Chinese!
They're very isolated from the rest of the world
Very poor...
i hate Commies!
Strong and respectable nation
strong nation but don't know what they do
They don,t deserve their place in Palestine
They deserve their place in Palestine
danger for peace in Mid-East
Poor nation...
I hate Jewish
Who would win a war between China and Russia?
Germany and France?
India and Pakistan
Your view on Aristide exil?
Good thing for haiti
Good thing but there's a lot of mor ethings to do
bad thing for haiti
No op
Don't know the situation in Haiti
Do you think the terrorism is winning that war?
No we're gonna nuke every of them
Maybe, after what they did in Madrid march 11
Yeah, we have to strike more
This poll was created on 2004-03-13 16:36:57 by El Che