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Sailor Moon

Lets see how good Sailor Moon is!
Sailor Moon may be a girls anime show, but many guys also like it. Do you think Sailor Moon is only for girls?
No, everyone can watch it!
No, watch anime females is ummmm ^_~ yummmmm
Not really, it's anime and it's cool
Yes, it is to girly
Doooh! if a guy watches it, he must be gay >_<
Media/Soundtracks are good?
Yes! also famous in japan!
Yup, they are good, some are full of love
Alittle, not bad but neither good
Nope, it's not my kind of music
No, it sucks alot and i can't even understand it
Are the graphics good?
Yes! cool out-fits, powers, everything! :P
Yeah, graphics are good
Some, not everything is that good...
No, most pf the things are crazy
No, everything is made so stupid and weird
What ya think about the characters?
They are super!
They're good
They are'nt good but neither bad
They are weird -_-
They are like clowns, to stupid
is this anime show more better than the others you know?
Yes! of course! my favorite :P
Yup, it's better
Not really, there're many other good anime shows
No, that show doesn't impress me
No, that show is bad, real baaaaaad!
This Question, the last and most important one :P, how much do you like this anime show? (rating points)
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 points
This poll was created on 2004-03-17 12:15:37 by Ji-nSetsu