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I am doing a project and I need people to take this VERY iMPORTANT survey for me. I promise it will take you less than five minutes to finish it. Thank you!

How old are you?

7% (1) younger than 10
7% (1) 11-15
42% (6) 15-20
42% (6) 21 and older

14 voters have answered this question.

If there is a way that you can help stop illiteracy, would you do it?

78% (11) Yes
0% (0) No
21% (3) I don`t care much for it

14 voters have answered this question.

How important is being literate to you? From a scale of one to five. (5 being the most important)

14% (2) 1
0% (0) 2
14% (2) 3
0% (0) 4
71% (10) 5

14 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that communication is important?

92% (13) Yes
7% (1) No

14 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-04-09 04:21:33 by jenniphurr
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