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Do you know your furry friends?

I'm a veterinary technician, and I'm kind of curious to see what people know and how they learn about the animals they keep.
What kinds of pets do you have, or have you had (where you've been the primary care taker)?
Lagomorph(s) (a.k.a. Rabbits)
Cavies (a.k.a Guinea pigs)
Where did you acquire your pet(s)?
Pet Store
Swap Meet
Ad in newpaper/magazine
People in front of store
Rescue organization
Found wandering around
Did your pet(s) live out its full life span?
Yes, they died of old age or age-related illness.
No, they died of accident/injury.
No, they died of illness.
No, they died due to lack of proper care.
I don't know (didn't keep pet until death, etc...)
Do you feel that you knew/know how to properly feed your pet(s)?
Yes, I researched it.
Yes, I knew from experienced family/friends info.
Maybe, it seemed ok.
No, I just guessed.
Do you feel that you knew/know how to properly house your pet(s)?
Yes, I researched this information.
Yes, I found out from experienced family/friends.
Maybe, I think I did ok.
No, I just guessed.
Do you feel that you provided for all of your pet's (pets') needs?
Yes, I researched this information.
Yes, I asked experienced family/friends for info.
Maybe, I think I did ok.
No, I just guessed.
If you researched proper care/feeding of your pet(s), where did you find your information?
Experienced family/friends.
Library (books, magazines).
Specific care book for your pet's species.
Pet store employees.
If you researched your pet's care in multiple ways, how did you feel about the quality and quantity of information available?
Plenty of information, but somewhat contradictory.
Plenty of information, all useful.
Just enough information.
Not enough information.
Too hard/time-consuming to find information.
If you could get good accurate easily available information, would you be more likely to research proper care of your pet(s)?
Maybe. (for commitment phobes)
Will you visit my website at http://jezebellee.tripod.com/tawnysinfozoo ?
Maybe (don't be scared, it's fun!)
This poll was created on 2004-04-08 08:04:28 by Tawny Lee