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Sit Com Death Match: Friends Vs. Frasier

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Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we will witness a battle between NBC bedfellows and arch sit-com rivals, Friends and Frasier. Hopefully, this will give some actual numbers to this age-old debate. Now I can only say, LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!

You are aged...

16% (75) 1-15
32% (152) 16-20
26% (125) 21-25
13% (63) 26-30
5% (25) 31-35
2% (12) 36-40
2% (11) 41-50
0% (3) 50+ (Wow)

466 voters have answered this question.

Firstly, lets get right to the point, which do you prefer out of the two, Friends and Frasier?

46% (216) Frasier all the way!
13% (65) Frasier just gets it
10% (50) I'm in the middle
6% (28) Friends just gets it
22% (107) Friends all the way!

466 voters have answered this question.

Next, which sit-com do you think has the best actors/actresses?

46% (213) Frasier all the way!
12% (57) Frasier just gets it
14% (67) I'm in the middle
7% (33) Friends just gets it
20% (93) Friends all the way!

463 voters have answered this question.

OK then, which of the two has the best storylines?

41% (191) Frasier all the way!
13% (63) Frasier just gets it
15% (72) I'm in the middle
8% (41) Friends just gets it
20% (93) Friends all the way!

460 voters have answered this question.

Good good. So which one do you think has the funniest jokes and wittiest scripting?

52% (243) Frasier all the way!
12% (56) Frasier just gets it
10% (48) I'm in the middle
5% (27) Friends just gets it
18% (87) Friends all the way!

461 voters have answered this question.

This isn't too hard is it? Now tell me, which will last the longest in terms of # of series?

27% (124) Frasier by a long way!
23% (105) Frasier just gets it
27% (127) Near enough the same
6% (28) Friends just gets it
15% (70) Friends by a long way!

454 voters have answered this question.

Tell me then, if you had to choose, which series would you say was the most original?

47% (214) Frasier all the way!
16% (73) Frasier just gets it
14% (66) I'm in the middle
6% (31) Friends just gets it
15% (71) Friends all the way!

455 voters have answered this question.

Good. Now which one of these most accurately describes your attitude to the other series- the one you don't prefer?

11% (52) BURN! BURN IN HELL!
7% (35) I hate it considerably
68% (309) Live and let live
12% (56) I pretend to like the other one to fit in and not hurt feelings.

452 voters have answered this question.

Finally, when the sit-com you don't like finishes, will you say...

15% (69) Comrades, we are victorious!
13% (61) Goodbye to bad rubbish
41% (186) Nah, not bothered.
29% (135) Oh no, all those fans will be upset now.

451 voters have answered this question.

Just some personal info to end with- You are...

81% (370) Male
18% (86) Female

456 voters have answered this question.

You live in...

36% (168) UK
27% (125) US
35% (162) Other

455 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 1999-09-07 16:52:53 by MPC2714999278
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