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The OC poll

Please answer the questions below. Thanks!

Do you watch The OC?

88% (156) Yes
5% (10) No
6% (11) Sometimes

177 voters have answered this question.

Do you like it?

89% (158) Yes
4% (8) No
5% (10) Kinda

176 voters have answered this question.

Who is your favorite charactor?

20% (36) Ryan
34% (60) Seth
10% (18) Marissa
17% (31) Summer
2% (4) Marissa's mom
3% (6) Seth's mom
3% (6) Seth's dad
1% (2) Ryan's ex girlfriend
0% (1) Marissa's ex boyfriend
0% (1) Oliver
1% (2) Haylie
0% (0) Marissa's dad
4% (8) Other

175 voters have answered this question.

Who is your least favorite charactor?

8% (13) Marissa
1% (3) Ryan
1% (2) Summer
38% (62) Oliver
0% (0) Seth
12% (20) Marissa's mom
0% (1) Seth's dad
1% (2) Seth's mom
4% (8) Seth's mom's dad (Marissa's moms fiancee)
3% (6) Haylie
1% (2) Marissa's dad
5% (9) Other
12% (20) Ryan's ex girlfriend
8% (14) Marissa's ex boyfriend

162 voters have answered this question.

Who is the hottest girl?

29% (49) Marissa
47% (80) Summer
8% (14) Seth's mom
4% (8) Marissa's mom
7% (13) Haylie
1% (3) Ryan's ex girlfriend

167 voters have answered this question.

Who is the hottest guy?

44% (68) Ryan
43% (66) Seth
1% (2) Ryan's ex girlfriends fiancce
2% (4) Seth's dad
0% (0) Marissa's dad
1% (3) Marissa's ex boyfriend
5% (9) Seth's mom's dad

152 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-04-27 13:21:55 by Nicole4ever23
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