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Ye olde Englishe poll

This poll is a little bit of fun, designed to see how well people can still understand the sort of English their ancestors spoke and wrote.
Can'st thou prick the intendment of this question?
You what?
An thou were Romeo, how would'st thou respond unto fair Juliet's enquiring "Wherefore art thou?"
"I'm over here"
"'Twas but the accident of my birth"
You what?
None of the above
In the title of thys poll, how would'st thou sound the first word thereof?
You what?
Some other response
What is thine estate?
It's a Volvo, actually
It's a big house with lots of land
'Tis all that I have
You what?
None of the above
"Whence comest thou and whither art thou bound?" Does this mean:
Who are you and why are you tied up?
Who tied you up and where has he gone?
Where have you come from and where are you going?
Come here, girl: you're going to shrivel up you know
You what?
None of the above
What is the meaning of the exclamation "Zounds!" ?
Wow - that was loud!
Wow - that was quick!
God's teeth!
God's wounds!
Watch out for the dogs!
You what?
None of the above
Have you enjoyed answering this poll?
You what?
None of the above
Would you like me to tell you the correct answers?
You what?
None of the above
This poll was created on 2004-04-30 11:45:57 by Quizzical