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Kit-Kat or Reeses Peanutbutter Cups?

Okay, my boyfriend and I have been arguing over which one of these candy bars is better. He thinks Reeses and I love Kit-Kats so vote with me please! ^_~
Are you male or female?
not sure...O_o
Which of these candy bars do you prefer? Reese's Peanutbutter Cups or Kit-Kats?(remember vote for kit-kats!lol)
Reese's Peanutbutter Cups
Yumtastic Kit-Kat bars mmmm
Did you vote for Kit-Kat Bars?
yeah of course, you asked me to!
yes because they're good.
no because I want to prove you wrong.
Did you like my candyful poll?
Yes it was cool.
It was okay.
No I hated it >_<.
This poll was created on 2004-06-12 21:17:10 by schmooglie