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Can Terrorists Be Considered POW's?

Following the events at Abu Ghraib the United States government has admitted to witholding a prisoner from the International Red Cross citing the fact that during wartime terrorists are not considered POW's. Meanwhile international pressure is building for action to be taken against the US for its mishandling of prisoners.
Should terrorists be given the same rights under the Geneva Convention as Prisoners of War?
Don't know
At the United Nations a resolution recently passed stating that the United States can be subject to charges of War Crimes by the International Criminal Court (ICC) even though the United States is not a member, should the US bow to the ICC?
Yes, witholding and torturing prisoners is wrong
No, non-members should not answer to the ICC
Don't know
This poll was created on 2004-06-20 19:40:11 by Venomman2k