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Popular polls

Looking for the old results?
Misterpoll users who have been around for a couple of months might remember that a click on a poll category (e.g. TV, Movies, etc.) along with the list of newest polls, there would also be a list of Today's Most Popular Polls and AllTime Most Popular Polls. These misterpoll features have not been around for a while.

Do you remember the "Today's Most Popular Polls" and "All Time Most Popular Polls" lists?

13% (4) Yes
73% (22) No
13% (4) Not sure

30 voters have answered this question.

Did you like those lists?

10% (3) Yes
17% (5) No
72% (21) Not sure

29 voters have answered this question.

Would you like to see those lists made available again?

55% (15) Yes
7% (2) No
3% (1) Not sure
33% (9) Don't care

27 voters have answered this question.

Do you know why those lists are no longer available?

3% (1) Yes, and I will post in the message area (please post if you know)
70% (19) No
25% (7) Not sure, but I think it might be because. . . (please post in the message area)

27 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-06-16 15:03:25 by jssica_w
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