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burrells madness

do it for me.. and then i'll be your slave

are you male or female

47% (56) male
52% (63) female

119 voters have answered this question.

whats your age

4% (5) 0-12
78% (93) 13-25
10% (13) 25-40
6% (8) above 40

119 voters have answered this question.

how important do you think education is

9% (11) i dont care
21% (26) somewhat important
28% (34) important

119 voters have answered this question.

what quality do you think education in the US is on a scale from one to four, 1 being the best, 4 being the worst

37% (44) 1
39% (47) 2
17% (21) 3
5% (6) 4

118 voters have answered this question.

what do you think is the biggest factor is contributing to lack to education

39% (46) lack of money
15% (18) lack of teachers
9% (11) lack of importance
3% (4) segregation
32% (38) government decisions

117 voters have answered this question.

do you think more money should go towards education

66% (78) yes
33% (39) no

117 voters have answered this question.

if you were able to, would you be willing to pay more taxes to help benefit education

23% (28) yes
24% (29) no
51% (60) maybe

117 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-03-02 00:55:41 by amerz
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