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Dirty Mind Test?

Sure, just cause we wander the endless abyss that we call Misterpoll, it doesn't mean we all do it with a easy heart. Face it some of us are crazier and wilder than others. Let's begin to seperate the people into their defined groups, and feel free to tell any dirty stories for you less than pure in the talk back section.
How old are you?
What's downtown for you?
Hold on let me check...
A Movie Theatre... Is this part of the quiz?
If the motion picture ratings board got inside your head and saw your last fantasy about your crush, they would:
Rate it G.
Rate it R.
Rate it NC-17.
Order you deported.
Mazel tov -- you just won round-trip tickets to anywhere on Earth! Where are you headed?
The Virgin Islands.
Down Under, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
You're at a video arcade, and you find a dollar on the ground. You use it to...
Play some wholesome air hockey.
Fire up that ancient Death Race 2000 in the corner.
Replace the top scorer's name on Galaga with a smutty word.
Pay for a bus ride out of this heathen hellhole.
Pick a number from the list below.
Does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?
I could tell you, but I'd have to charge.
Huh? Frozen dairy products? I can't figure this one out.
What astronomical phenomenon would you most like to see out of your space station window?
Halley's Comet.
A cute cosmonaut.
The sun rising over Uranus.
A supernova exploding.
So, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
Ah-one, ah-two, ah-three.
*Heh.* You said "licks."
Didn't I already answer this?? 69!
Stop befouling a beloved childhood memory.
Where should the following message you put stay in storage.
Grandma's House
A High School
A Bar
An Adult Literature Store
This poll was created on 2004-07-20 17:39:39 by foxtrot8