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Wives who enjoy housework

A poll about wives who gain satisfaction from doing traditional feminine household tasks.
Do you enjoy cooking meals and serving your family?
Yes I feel happy to do this
I enjoy it a little
Do you enjoy dusting and polishing the house?
Yes absolutely
A little
Do you enjoy Vacuuming the carpets
Yes I get a lot of satisfaction in doing this
Do you enjoy doing the laundry
Do you enjoy sewing
Absolutely I love it
A liitle
No never
Do you believe that housework is womans work?
Yes women should do womens work and men should do mens work.
Not exclusively men can help out
Do you dress in particular clothes when doing housework?
I always wear a housedress
I wear trousers
Not particularly
I have a special dress but I wouldnt call it an housedress
Does your husband inspect your housework?
Yes he has strict standards
He doesn't notice things like this
Occassionally in a mild way
If he does inspect your work and he considers it not good enough what happens?
He tells me and we have a fight.
I sulk
I tell him to do it himself
He disciplines me
Do you think that doing housework makes you feel fulfilled as a woman?
Yes in a way that nothing else can
A little
Not really
Does doing housework make you feel more feminine than if you didn't
Are you responsible for the decorations or is your husband?
I chose everything
He chose everything
we both decided
About work
I am a full time housewife
I work part time
I work full time
Do you wave your husband when he goes to work?
Yes always
Do you change clothes and doll yourself up for when your husband comes home from work?
Yes certainly
No definetly not
I f you had a choice would you hire a maid to do all the work?
Yes if we could afford it
No I want to continue doing housework it makes me fulfilled
Maybe just a few times a week
Do you enjoy ironing
Yes I love it
a little
Do you like cleaning the bathroom
Its okay
Does your husband praise you for your work?
All the time
Only when he considers I am doing a good job
Do you thing young women shoul be taught housework skills in college?
I think they need to be taught today
No not necessary
How much fulfillment does traditional feminine tasks give you
less than above but still gives me satisfaction
Very little but I wish it did
Would you feel the same about doing other peoples houses e.g if you were working as a maid?
No because it has to do with my home and family
Possibly because I do enjoy these jobs
Definitely I love doing this kind of work and I am sure I would enjoy it just the same.
This poll was created on 2004-10-03 18:39:03 by cabiria