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Do you think that Marajuana should be Legalized?

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There is alot of Pot smokeing going around now days and I for one am not saying that I'm for it or not! But let me know your opinoin?

Do you think Marajuana should be leagalized?

50% (6) 1)Yes I do verry much!
16% (2) 2)It's ok but still going for it.
33% (4) 3)I'm not for it at all!
16% (2) 4)If we do that this country is a descrase!

12 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever smoked Marajuana?

20% (2) 1)Yes and still do while loving it!
10% (1) 2)Have done it but not anymore... (quit)!!
50% (5) 3)I hate that stuff and will never touch it!
20% (2) 4)Huh???????

10 voters have answered this question.

Do you think Marajuana is a Gateway drug?

9% (1) 1)What is a Gateway drug mean anyways?
27% (3) 2)Yes I do!
27% (3) 3)Not considered a drug at all!
36% (4) 4)It's a plant.(God gave us this for a reason)

11 voters have answered this question.

How does Marajuana efect you when you smoke it?

70% (7) 1)Wouldn't know, never done it!
0% (0) 2)It makes me wild out and crazy like other Drugs!
20% (2) 3)It just simply makes me chill out and have a good time!
10% (1) 4)Like I said just a plant, No effects at all!

10 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-09-03 02:27:05 by xxthmxx
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