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all day dress codes

hey, my parents have just started adding a strict dress code to my life, ever since my friend liked being dressed up all the time, my parents decided i should to. from now on i have to wear a blazer, dress shirt, necktie, dress pants, and dress shoes at all times. the necktie has to be neatly tied, and i cant take it off no matter what, even during sports, i just cant take it anymore
do your parents give you a strict dress code?
if so, what does the dress code consist of on top
blazer, necktie, dress shirt
necktie, dress shirt
dress shirt, completely buttoned
dress shirt, one button open
polo shirt
When are you allowed to change out of dress code?
when doing dirty work
by dinner
after school
dont have one
What do you wear on the bottom?
dress pants
cargo pants
How do your parents know you stay in dress code at school or with friends
have someone check up on you
they check up on you periodically
they just trust you
during P.E. or when youre playing sports, do you
wear your dress code while doing physical activity
change out
dont play sports or take pe
What restrictions or limitations, can be taken on your dress code
necktie must be pulled up and knotted at all times
necktie must not have designs
dress shirt must be solid color
dress shirt must be certain color
blazer must be buttoned up at all times
blazer must be certain color
dress shirt must be tucked in at all times
you must wear a dress belt with your pants
your pants must be pleated
you are allowed to wear khakis
you are allowed to wear shorts
you are allowed to take necktie off at home
you are allowed to loosen your necktie
you are allowed to remove your blazer
you are allowed to untuck your shirt
you are allowed to change out of nice pants
you can wear whatever you want on the weekends
the dress code must be strictly enforced during the weekends
the dress code is taken away during the summer
the dress code is relaxed during the summer
the dress code is strictly enforced at all times during the summer
This poll was created on 2004-10-24 03:46:06 by hookahhooo