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Popping Balloons

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Share your balloon popping hobby with others. Please only fill this out if you go out of your way to pop balloons. Why do you like to pop balloons? How? How many? If you have a source that's just the best place to buy balloons for popping, post that in the "Talk about it" section. Or feel free to post any other comments there, and check this section for a link to my inflatable poll. Just keep it clean please.

Male or Female?

83% (423) Male
16% (83) Female

506 voters have answered this question.

Your Age?

14% (74) 18-20
18% (96) 21-25
13% (72) 26-30
8% (44) 31-35
21% (112) 36-50
6% (31) 50+
10% (52) 13-15
6% (34) 16-17

515 voters have answered this question.

Why do you like to pop balloons?

46% (237) The noise it makes
18% (95) The mess it makes
21% (110) It's destructive
44% (230) Balloons are meant to be popped
10% (53) My friends do it
34% (175) It's a stress reliever
47% (244) I don't know why, it's just fun

512 voters have answered this question.

How do you like to pop your balloons?

61% (320) Sitting on them
36% (187) Stomping on them
33% (172) Laying on them
28% (145) Over inflating them
45% (233) Sharp object
44% (231) Squeezing them

517 voters have answered this question.

Do you like to pop one balloon at a time, or tie a bunch together in a cluster to pop?

37% (191) One at a time
12% (65) A cluster
49% (253) Both

509 voters have answered this question.

Do you like to have the balloons pop slowly and unexpectedly, or rapid pop them?

69% (352) Slow and unexpected
30% (153) I can't pop them fast enough

505 voters have answered this question.

How many balloons do you usually pop in one "session"?

37% (192) 1-5
18% (95) 6-10
10% (53) 11-15
7% (38) 16-20
4% (24) 21-30
6% (31) 31-50
3% (20) 51-75
3% (17) 76-100
2% (11) 101-150
0% (2) 151-225
0% (0) 226-300
0% (0) 301-400
0% (0) 401-550
5% (29) Greater than 550

512 voters have answered this question.

What is the most balloons you have ever popped in one "session"?

18% (91) 1-10
13% (69) 11-20
12% (64) 21-35
11% (57) 36-50
6% (32) 51-75
12% (63) 76-100
8% (44) 101-175
2% (15) 176-250
1% (7) 251-350
0% (3) 351-475
1% (8) 476-600
2% (11) 601-800
0% (4) 801-1000
1% (6) 1001-1500
0% (3) 1501-2500
5% (28) Greater than 2500

505 voters have answered this question.

How often do you have a balloon popping session?

38% (195) Every few months
22% (115) Monthly
26% (134) Weekly
7% (37) Daily
4% (25) Several times per day

506 voters have answered this question.

Do you get your friends involved in your balloon popping hobby?

30% (154) Yes, it's more fun that way
5% (27) Yes, We can pop even more balloons that way
11% (60) No, they aren't interested
51% (260) No, they'd think I was weird

501 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel strange going into a store and buying balloons just to pop them?

42% (211) Yes
57% (291) No

502 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever popped a room full of balloons? I don't mean a layer across the floor, I mean at least chest deep.

22% (112) Yes, and it was amazing
2% (12) Yes and it wasn't worth the time and the mess
9% (49) No, I'm not that into popping balloons
2% (14) No, It's to messy
5% (26) No, Balloons are to expensive
10% (50) No, I'm worried that someone would hear me
47% (234) No, but I would kill for the chance to

497 voters have answered this question.

If you live in an apartment, do you worry about the neighbors hearing your noisy fun?

28% (139) Yes, but I've never gotten caught
2% (14) Yes, I've gotten caught
12% (61) No, I don't care if they hear
7% (37) No, I don't think a balloon popping is that noisy
48% (240) I don't live in an apartment

491 voters have answered this question.

What is your favorite size balloon to pop?

13% (67) 5-7"
24% (124) 9"
51% (260) 12"
30% (154) 14"
38% (196) 16-18"
22% (112) 20-24"
14% (73) 30-36"
15% (80) Greater than 36"

508 voters have answered this question.

What type of balloon is your favorite to pop?

94% (475) Round
24% (123) Long
13% (69) Twisty
9% (47) Geo
17% (87) Punch Ball
10% (54) Other

503 voters have answered this question.

Do you wear ear plugs while popping balloons?

11% (56) Yes, the noise bothers me
4% (25) Yes, otherwise I can't hear anything afterwards
54% (274) No
17% (89) No, having my ears ring after is part of the fun
11% (60) Sometimes

504 voters have answered this question.

Where do you buy your balloons to pop?

61% (308) Regular store (Walmart, Target)
19% (96) Grocery store
37% (191) Internet
51% (259) Party store

503 voters have answered this question.

Do you like your balloons to pop easily, or put up a bit of a fight?

21% (106) I want them to go fast and easy
61% (309) A little bit of a fight is good
16% (84) It's no fun unless I break a sweat working at it

499 voters have answered this question.

Which term do you prefer to describe your balloon popping fun?

75% (378) Popping Balloons
11% (60) Breaking Balloons
25% (130) Busting Balloons
33% (170) Bursting Balloons
13% (69) Killing Balloons
13% (66) Destroying Balloons

504 voters have answered this question.

Do your balloon popping interests carry over to vinyl, In other words do you like to pop pool toys and other inflatables?

25% (124) It's fun but pool toys too expensive
9% (47) I'd rather pop a pool toy than a balloon any day
44% (219) I've never tried it and don't want to
21% (105) I've never tried to, but it sounds fun

495 voters have answered this question.

How did you become so interested in popping balloons?

15% (76) Friend
9% (48) Family Member
23% (116) Internet
13% (67) TV
23% (116) Balloon popping at parties
69% (348) I developed the interest on my own

500 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever had a balloon popping injury?

66% (330) No, not yet
11% (56) Flying piece of rubber hit face/eyes while inflating
14% (71) Took a flying piece of rubber to a "personal" area while sit popping
4% (23) Balloon rolled out from under feet while jumping on it
5% (27) Headache from all the noise
10% (53) Temporary hearing loss from all the noise
8% (43) Hit the floor awfully hard when one you were sitting on popped out from under you

496 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever tried popping whip cream filled balloons?

61% (308) No, too messy
23% (118) No, never thought of it
5% (28) Never thought of but I'm on my way to the store now for balloons and whip cream
7% (36) I love doing that but rarely get to
1% (9) I do it all the time

499 voters have answered this question.

Do you share your balloon popping interest with anyone else?

40% (196) Are you crazy, it's my biggest secret
13% (64) Anyone that will join in gets invited
28% (137) Only with a romantic partner
27% (134) With a few close friends

487 voters have answered this question.

Where to you take your balloons to pop them?

23% (116) At home, in the bathroom
82% (413) At home, in the bedroom
32% (161) At home, in a spare room
16% (81) At home, in the basement
22% (113) In the car
11% (60) At a friends house
5% (26) At a bar
9% (48) At a lovers house
11% (60) In a park
11% (56) In your yard
7% (40) On the beach
23% (116) Secluded woods
7% (38) Abandon building
13% (66) Hotel/Motel

502 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel like you are wasting your money buying balloons just to pop them?

6% (33) Always
74% (368) No, everybody needs some sort of entertainment
18% (93) Yes, sometimes

494 voters have answered this question.

Do you think balloons are made to be popped?

51% (256) Definetly, that's the only thing they're good for
23% (117) No, It's just something some people do
25% (126) No, it's just a consequence of playing with them

499 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-10-28 02:54:03 by burstalottaloons
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