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What stuff are you on??

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I was trying to make my poll when I realized a very useful one. I often wonder how crazy people really are. So... this will hopefully find out.

Who follows you home most often??

25% (4) The Pink Elephant
0% (0) The Purple Cow
37% (6) Aliens
25% (4) Bill Clinton
12% (2) Ants from space

16 voters have answered this question.

What are you called alot?

25% (4) Senator
25% (4) Mr. Frog
6% (1) Lily the hippotamous
43% (7) Earthling

16 voters have answered this question.

How many voices are in your head?

62% (10) 1-3
12% (2) 4-6
18% (3) 7-9
6% (1) thrivle

16 voters have answered this question.

Where is California?

25% (4) In my head
6% (1) Artic
68% (11) U.S.A.

16 voters have answered this question.

How many eyes does your cat have?

0% (0) 1
43% (7) 2
25% (4) 3
12% (2) 1,000,000
18% (3) none

16 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 1999-10-07 21:45:34 by MPC818796946
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