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girls in sleepers - for girls only

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do any of you girls have experience with sleeper holds whether it is on the giving or receiving end?

girls, have you ever been put in a sleeper by another girl?

91% (86) yes
8% (8) no

94 voters have answered this question.

who put you in it?

69% (59) sister
52% (45) friend
22% (19) cousin
23% (20) other

85 voters have answered this question.

did you get out of it?

28% (25) no, i had to submit
18% (16) yes
67% (59) no, i was knocked out

88 voters have answered this question.

girls, have you ever put a sleeper hold on another girl?

89% (81) yes
10% (10) no

91 voters have answered this question.

who was it applied to?

61% (52) sister
55% (47) friend
26% (22) cousin
20% (17) other

84 voters have answered this question.

could they get out of it?

41% (35) no, they had to submit
14% (12) yes
66% (56) no, i knocked them out

84 voters have answered this question.

when you apply the sleeper, do you like to use it in combination with a bodyscissor?

36% (31) yes, all the time
50% (42) sometimes
15% (13) no, never

84 voters have answered this question.

do you use the sleeper for a knockout or just for a submission?

64% (54) knockout
38% (32) submission
26% (22) i use it to wear them down - they can't escape

84 voters have answered this question.

what is the longest you have kept another girl in a sleeper?

7% (6) <1 minute
40% (33) 1-3 minutes
23% (19) 4-6 minutes
29% (24) 7 minutes+

82 voters have answered this question.

are you married?

12% (12) yes
87% (81) no

93 voters have answered this question.

what is your age?

48% (45) <16
31% (29) 17-21
10% (10) 22-30
7% (7) 31-40
2% (2) over 40

92 voters have answered this question.

what is your weight?

22% (20) <100
34% (31) 101-115
22% (20) 116-125
17% (16) 126-140
2% (2) 141-160
1% (1) over 161

90 voters have answered this question.

how often do you wrestle?

59% (54) once a week
12% (11) once a month
5% (5) once a year
25% (23) occasionally

91 voters have answered this question.

how do other girls try to get out of your sleepers?

27% (23) punch at you
54% (46) pull at your arms
56% (48) twist their bodies
21% (18) pull at your hair
23% (20) they are immobilized and just submit

85 voters have answered this question.

were they successful?

51% (44) sometimes
48% (42) never - i get a submission every time

86 voters have answered this question.

what is the longest you have been trapped in a sleeper?

7% (6) <1 minute
32% (27) 1-3 minutes
16% (14) 3-5 minutes
15% (13) 5-7 minutes
29% (25) longer than 7 minutes

84 voters have answered this question.

what do you wear when you wrestle?

34% (32) thong - topless
20% (19) bikini
29% (27) bra and panties
21% (20) one piece swimsuit
32% (30) shorts and t shirt

92 voters have answered this question.

what is your hair color?

38% (34) blonde
39% (35) brunette
23% (21) red head

88 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-11-20 05:36:14 by mellowdude
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