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Great civilizations and empires

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Vote here for which are the greatest civilizations and empires in human history in your opinion.

Which is the best civilization ever?

7% (44) Persian
13% (77) Chinese
27% (159) Greek
1% (8) Japanese
1% (7) Hebrew
8% (46) Indian
2% (15) Aztec
0% (3) Incas
3% (20) Mayas
1% (11) Scandinavian
1% (10) Etruscan
9% (52) Egyptian
0% (1) Ethiopian
0% (5) Slavic
2% (16) Arabian
2% (14) Mongol
3% (21) Atlantis (if it is real :D)
11% (63) Other (post a mesage)

572 voters have answered this question.

Which is the greatest empire ever?

30% (178) Roman empire
5% (29) Mongol Empire
10% (60) Alexander the great empire
3% (18) Byzantine Empire
7% (46) Chinese Empire
5% (33) Persian Empire
4% (25) Arabian Empire
0% (3) Parthian Empire
1% (10) Ottoman Empire
9% (56) British Empire
0% (2) French Empire
1% (8) Holy Roman German empire
0% (3) Spanish Empire
0% (3) Portoguese Empire
1% (9) Soviet Union
16% (97) Modern USA <--haha yeah right

580 voters have answered this question.

When the most great civilizations and Empires flourished?

49% (281) B.C.
50% (285) A.D.

566 voters have answered this question.

What do you think about this poll?

20% (117) It was exciting!
24% (138) Very good
41% (231) It was OK
10% (59) Boring...
2% (15) I didn't know nothing of these exept USA...

560 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-11-19 15:10:15 by filosorosh
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