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Throughout our lives we experience many realationships with the opposite sex, not knowing how long it will last or when it will end. This poll is about the feelings you experience in a relationship with the opposite sex. Base your answers on the realationship you are involved in now or your previous one. Enjoy!!

Are you basing your questions on the relationship you are in now or your previous one?

70% (22) The one I am involved in now.
29% (9) My previous relationship.

31 voters have answered this question.

Are you male or female?

54% (17) male
45% (14) female

31 voters have answered this question.

You are between the ages of...

35% (11) 12-15
25% (8) 16-20
19% (6) 21-35
9% (3) 36-45
9% (3) other

31 voters have answered this question.

You are generally happy with this person...

6% (2) 0-20% of the time.
6% (2) 20-40% of the time.
0% (0) 40-60% of the time.
32% (10) 60-80% of the time.
54% (17) 80-100% of the time.

31 voters have answered this question.

You can see yourself with this person in..

37% (11) 1 year or less.
6% (2) 2 years.
0% (0) 3 years.
0% (0) 4 years.
55% (16) Over 5 years.

29 voters have answered this question.

Can you see yourself getting married to this person and/or starting a family with this person?

12% (4) We are already married and/or have started a family.
48% (15) yes
38% (12) no

31 voters have answered this question.

Do you guys...

6% (2) argue more than have fun.
77% (24) have fun more than argue.
16% (5) it is about 50/50.

31 voters have answered this question.

This relationship mainly focuses on...

16% (5) sex.
51% (16) having fun.
6% (2) the family we started.
6% (2) fighting.
19% (6) other.

31 voters have answered this question.

Is this the relationship that you have been the most happy in?

58% (18) yes.
29% (9) no.
12% (4) I don't know.

31 voters have answered this question.

On a scale of 1-5 how happy are you with the person that you are involved with. (1 being not very happy, and 5 being VERY happy.)

3% (1) 1
6% (2) 2
19% (6) 3
32% (10) 4
38% (12) 5

31 voters have answered this question.

If the person I am with now ever split up with me I would...

13% (4) Not care, there is always someone else.
33% (10) A little shaken
13% (4) Go in my roon and cry 4ever and never come out.
20% (6) They split up with me..ha! If this relationship ends it will be up to me!!
20% (6) Other.

30 voters have answered this question.

This poll has..

21% (7) Sucked.
12% (4) Given me a little insight into the relationship.
3% (1) Given me a lot of insight.
31% (10) Was not that bad although it did not give me any insight.
21% (7) Better than some of the other polls on here.
9% (3) Other.

32 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 1999-10-09 13:55:18 by MPC1197150016
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