Are you basing your questions on the relationship you are in now or your previous one?
70% (22) | The one I am involved in now. | |
29% (9) | My previous relationship. |
31 voters have answered this question.
Are you male or female?
54% (17) | male | |
45% (14) | female |
31 voters have answered this question.
You are between the ages of...
35% (11) | 12-15 | |
25% (8) | 16-20 | |
19% (6) | 21-35 | |
9% (3) | 36-45 | |
9% (3) | other |
31 voters have answered this question.
You are generally happy with this person...
6% (2) | 0-20% of the time. | |
6% (2) | 20-40% of the time. | |
0% (0) | 40-60% of the time. | |
32% (10) | 60-80% of the time. | |
54% (17) | 80-100% of the time. |
31 voters have answered this question.
You can see yourself with this person in..
37% (11) | 1 year or less. | |
6% (2) | 2 years. | |
0% (0) | 3 years. | |
0% (0) | 4 years. | |
55% (16) | Over 5 years. |
29 voters have answered this question.
Can you see yourself getting married to this person and/or starting a family with this person?
12% (4) | We are already married and/or have started a family. | |
48% (15) | yes | |
38% (12) | no |
31 voters have answered this question.
Do you guys...
6% (2) | argue more than have fun. | |
77% (24) | have fun more than argue. | |
16% (5) | it is about 50/50. |
31 voters have answered this question.
This relationship mainly focuses on...
16% (5) | sex. | |
51% (16) | having fun. | |
6% (2) | the family we started. | |
6% (2) | fighting. | |
19% (6) | other. |
31 voters have answered this question.
Is this the relationship that you have been the most happy in?
58% (18) | yes. | |
29% (9) | no. | |
12% (4) | I don't know. |
31 voters have answered this question.
On a scale of 1-5 how happy are you with the person that you are involved with. (1 being not very happy, and 5 being VERY happy.)
3% (1) | 1 | |
6% (2) | 2 | |
19% (6) | 3 | |
32% (10) | 4 | |
38% (12) | 5 |
31 voters have answered this question.
If the person I am with now ever split up with me I would...
13% (4) | Not care, there is always someone else. | |
33% (10) | A little shaken | |
13% (4) | Go in my roon and cry 4ever and never come out. | |
20% (6) | They split up with me..ha! If this relationship ends it will be up to me!! | |
20% (6) | Other. |
30 voters have answered this question.
This poll has..
21% (7) | Sucked. | |
12% (4) | Given me a little insight into the relationship. | |
3% (1) | Given me a lot of insight. | |
31% (10) | Was not that bad although it did not give me any insight. | |
21% (7) | Better than some of the other polls on here. | |
9% (3) | Other. |
32 voters have answered this question.