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Does a guy think she is stupid?

For guys only. A crushing girl can be very nervous around her crush and do or say things she thinks is th dumbest thing ever. How do you guys see it?
If you meet a cute girl and she stutters once on her name what do you think?
She's dumb.
She's nervous
She's disabled
You let it pass
You didn't notice at all
A girl you just met sees you from across the room and waves you over to sit next to her. You think....
She's too hyper
That was thoughtful
I don't care
You are moving your seat and accidently bump into her. She playfully bumps you back. You think...
Hey! Cut it out looser!
She's just being playful
That she likes you
That she hates you
You don't care whatsoever
You tell her she can feel your awsome hair. She uses that opportunity to massage and feel through it thouroghly(10 full seconds and doesn't seem to want to let go) commenting on it's softness. Do you like it?
It was a little overdone
You call out her name and she thinks you were calling her when in reality you ment your classmate right next to her who had the same name. You think she's...
Stupid to think you were talking to her
Pass it over
You ask her for her phone number and from the excitment she can't remember. She appears...
Very nervous
She gives only you a valentine on valentines day.(You currently don't have a girlfreind) If she's a cutie, what do you think of that?
You write her of as pathetic and desprate.
You are confused
You like the attention
You hated it
Your indifferent
She shares with you some personal likes dislikes, fears, and obsessions of hers and you have only been friends for two days. What do you think of that?
She's too open
She must really like me
Now I hate her
If a girl was crushing on you would you want her to tell you?
This poll was created on 2004-11-18 08:55:14 by moonflower