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Is the guy you have a crush on is gay? Guys onli

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Trying to find out if thte person you have a crush on is queer.

You are:

78% (183) A guy.
20% (48) A gal. Leave plz
1% (3) An alien.

234 voters have answered this question.

You are:

28% (67) Straight.
48% (112) Gay.
23% (54) Bi.

233 voters have answered this question.

You are:

0% (1) 0-9 Years old.
9% (23) 10-13
50% (118) 14-18
39% (92) 19+

234 voters have answered this question.

Do you currently have a crush on a guy (or several guys) who you are not sure is gay?

88% (210) Yes.
3% (9) No. (pretend you do for this quiz)
7% (17) Maybe.

236 voters have answered this question.

He is:

49% (116) A classmate.
57% (135) A friend.
58% (138) Someone cute.
9% (22) Someone who you try to avoid.
44% (105) Someone you try to get close to.

235 voters have answered this question.

He is:

24% (58) Older than you
15% (37) Younger than you
58% (139) Around the same age as you
0% (2) Don't know

236 voters have answered this question.

You see him:

5% (13) Every few moments.
54% (129) Everyday.
30% (72) Every few days.
4% (11) Every few weeks.
2% (6) Every few years.
2% (5) Never.

236 voters have answered this question.

You think he is:

39% (93) Straight
24% (58) Bi
35% (83) Gay
0% (0) Trans
0% (2) Alien

236 voters have answered this question.

He shows:

65% (155) Good friendship towards you.
2% (7) You no respect.
19% (45) Nothing.
9% (23) Everything to you.
2% (6) Hate towards you.

236 voters have answered this question.


50% (118) Stares at you directly.
37% (86) Stares at you from the corner of his eyes.
39% (91) Touches you. (nicely)
5% (13) Touches you. (not nicely)
7% (18) Shoves you.
71% (167) Talks nicely to you.
9% (21) Talks trash to you.
34% (80) Walks beside you quietly.
21% (50) Walks beside you and talks loudly.
13% (32) Walks behind you out of sight.

232 voters have answered this question.

You like him because:

43% (102) He is sensitive.
60% (142) He is funny.
12% (29) He is rough/hard.
5% (12) He is mean.
44% (105) He is smart.
87% (206) He is cute/handsome.
57% (136) He has a good body.
73% (172) Of his attitude/personality.
22% (52) Other

235 voters have answered this question.

Does he know that you like him?

21% (50) Yes
27% (65) No
35% (83) Maybe
16% (38) I don't know

236 voters have answered this question.

Is he a flirt?

19% (45) Yes to guys.
28% (66) Yes to girls.
52% (123) No

234 voters have answered this question.

His friends are usually:

15% (36) Girls
33% (79) Guys
51% (121) Mixed

236 voters have answered this question.

Can you imagine living with this person for the rest of your life?

46% (109) Yes
19% (45) No
34% (82) Maybe

236 voters have answered this question.

Do you think he has many flaws?

10% (24) Yes, Many.
50% (118) Yes, but just some flaws.
20% (48) No, he is perfect.
19% (45) I don't know.

235 voters have answered this question.

Would you like to reveal yourself to that person one day?

11% (27) No, I'm happy to be just near him.
46% (108) Yes, I probably will.
42% (99) Maybe...

234 voters have answered this question.

If yes, where would you confront him?

1% (4) Washroom.
8% (19) Your home.
12% (28) His home.
18% (41) Somewhere in school. (students)
15% (35) Afterschool. (students)
4% (9) At a bar.
15% (33) At some recreational place.
23% (51) Other

220 voters have answered this question.

Any other questions that you think should be on this poll?

9% (21) Yes, I'll suggest it in the talk area.
90% (203) No, I think it was fine.

224 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-12-23 01:36:50 by areyougrumpy
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