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Too much fragrance vs too much body odor

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Who would be worst to take a road trip with?

Would rather take a non-stop cross country road trip locked in a car with all the windows up with someone that hadn't had a bath or shower in 6 months and had extremely bad body odor or someone drenched in 5 different bottles of cheap perfume and cologne?

68% (20) someone drenched in 5 different bottles of cheap perfume and cologne
31% (9) someone that hadn't had a bath or shower in 6 months and had extremely bad body odor

29 voters have answered this question.

Within the last 30 days have you been around a person that made you gag because of body odor or too much fragrance?

62% (18) Yes
37% (11) No

29 voters have answered this question.

Who was this person? (If more than one person please choose the most recent)

12% (3) Friend
0% (0) Parent
0% (0) Son or Daughter
0% (0) Grandparent
4% (1) Aunt
0% (0) Other relative
20% (5) Co-worker
0% (0) Teacher
0% (0) A date
0% (0) Husband or Wife
4% (1) Girlfriend or Boyfriend
40% (10) Stranger
20% (5) Classmate

25 voters have answered this question.

Did you tell them that their smell was bothering you?

23% (6) Yes
76% (20) No

26 voters have answered this question.

Was this smell because of body odor or too much fragrance?

72% (18) Body Odor
28% (7) Too much fragrance

25 voters have answered this question.

Do you like the smell of too much perfume or cologne?

10% (3) Yes
89% (26) No

29 voters have answered this question.

Do you like the smell of body odor?

10% (3) Yes
58% (17) No
31% (9) Only on certain people

29 voters have answered this question.

Are you male or female?

53% (15) Male
46% (13) Female

28 voters have answered this question.

Age group

3% (1) Under 12
35% (10) 12-17
25% (7) 18-25
35% (10) 25 and over

28 voters have answered this question.

Within the last 60 days have you ever been accused of having bad body odor?

37% (11) Yes
62% (18) No

29 voters have answered this question.

Within the last 60 days have you been accused of wearing too much perfume or cologne or other fragrance?

25% (7) Yes
74% (20) No

27 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-10-01 06:09:00 by Chillz
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