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The Nivan Praxeum Poll

Hi to all Star Wars fans! Welcome to The Nivan.net Poll.
Who was under the best leadership?
The Old Republic under Verlorum
The Old Republic under Palpatine
The Empire under Palpatine
The Rebellion and New Republic under Mon Mothma
The New Republic under Leia Organa Solo
The New Republic under Borsk Fey'lya
The Yuuzhan Vong under their various gods
When Vader told Luke in EpV that he was Luke's father, Luke yelled because:
He didn't beleive it
He'd just had his hand cut off
A little bit of both, but mostly for dramatic effect
Are you an angel?
Wait a sec, I'll just check...
What is your favorite SW insult from the following?
Kiss my wookie
You're bantha fodder
You're as dumb as a rancor and twice as ugly
Which characters deserved to be killed most?
Boba Fett
Darth Vader
Darth Maul
How well done was CGI-Yoda on average?
1 - Awful
2 - Poor
3 - Nothing special
4 - Good
5 - Stunning
That weapon that Jedi use?
Cigar Lighter.
What do you think of AATA? (Click here if you don't know what AATA is.)
Awful title!
Bad title.
Average title.
Good title.
Sensational title!
As long as it's Star Wars, I'm happy (cop-out answer)
Who's more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?
The Fool
The Fool who follows him
Who's cooler?
The Emperor
I can imagine quite a bit!
Wesa no gotta a whole lotta moolah!
Thirty-thousand. No less.
Republic credits will do fine.
Who looks best?
Leia in the Originals
Padmé in the Prequels
The Emperor
At the end of ESB, Luke called Leia because...
He fancied her
He realised she had the Force
He figured that the rest of the cast wouldn't want to help him
Have you read Conflict of Interest?
Currently reading it
Plan to read it soon
Did Boba Fett survive the Sarlacc?
You'd better believe it!
No, don't be silly.
Who's cooler?
<A href="http://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk/pie.htm" target="_blank">Weebl</A>
Would you sooner kiss a Wookiee?
Only if he had a good aftershave on.
Sure, he could use a good kiss!
I'd sooner kiss a... erm, space slug!
Which would you not do with a lightsaber?
Pick your teeth after a delicious Huttese meal
Use it to cut your toe nails
Use it to signal at the movies
I can't see any reason why I wouldn't do them...
This poll was created on 2001-03-24 14:59:44 by Nick Murdoch