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Webcams and messaging on the internet

All about webcams and messaging.

Are you male or female?

71% (292) Male
28% (116) Female

408 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

1% (6) 8 or less
1% (7) 9
1% (5) 10
3% (13) 11
3% (16) 12
9% (37) 13
11% (45) 14
10% (41) 15
15% (62) 16
9% (37) 17
4% (19) 18
3% (13) 19
2% (11) 20
2% (9) 21
1% (5) 22
1% (6) 23
0% (1) 24
1% (7) 25
0% (0) 26
0% (2) 27
0% (1) 28
0% (0) 29
0% (1) 30
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0% (4) 32
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0% (3) 36
0% (1) 37
1% (8) 38
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0% (1) 62
0% (2) 63
0% (0) 64
0% (3) 65
0% (3) 66 or more

408 voters have answered this question.

Do you chat to people online?

57% (233) Yes, everyday
34% (140) Yes, sometimes
6% (25) Yes, a few times
1% (7) Once or twice
0% (3) Never

408 voters have answered this question.

Who do you chat to?

39% (161) My best friends
39% (161) All my friends
34% (141) Friends and family
16% (68) Family
74% (302) Lots of random people
19% (79) As many people as I can

408 voters have answered this question.

What do you chat about? (As many as you want)

32% (132) Boring stuff
52% (214) What happened today
34% (139) Tell jokes
51% (211) Flirt
33% (138) Gossip
38% (157) Music, movies, TV
14% (58) Politics and the news
81% (333) Dirty stuff and sex
37% (151) Cybering
28% (117) Websites and blogs
51% (210) Porno
43% (177) Boyfriends/girlfriends
25% (102) Family news
31% (128) Homework

408 voters have answered this question.

Is there something else you chat about not on that list? What is it?

No graph available for this question

70 voters have answered this question.

How do you chat to people?

36% (147) Yahoo Instant Messenger
21% (86) AOL Messenger
46% (189) MSN Messenger
5% (21) Meebo
31% (130) Other chat website (what ones?)
22% (92) Other messenger
9% (39) Stickam
3% (15) Justin.tv

408 voters have answered this question.

If you use something else to chat, what is it?

No graph available for this question

104 voters have answered this question.

Do you mostly chat to males or females

37% (153) Males
10% (42) Females
52% (213) Both

408 voters have answered this question.

Do you mostly chat to people same ages as you?

45% (184) Yes, same age
18% (77) Mostly older
11% (46) Mostly younger
45% (186) It's completely random

408 voters have answered this question.

Do you chat to them with sound/voice?

41% (162) No, never
27% (106) Yes, I use a mic
37% (146) Yes, some of them use mics
11% (43) I only chat to people with with mics and I have a mic too

389 voters have answered this question.

Do you chat to people with cams?

44% (183) Yes, I have a cam
37% (152) Yes, people I chat to have cams
17% (70) I don't use my cam much
20% (85) I always use my cam
9% (37) I only chat to people with cams
13% (56) I never use a cam

408 voters have answered this question.

Do you like people seeing you on cam?

56% (214) Yes
34% (130) Sometimes
9% (37) No

381 voters have answered this question.

What do you like or hate about people seeing you on cam?

No graph available for this question

135 voters have answered this question.

What do you like or hate about seeing other people on cam?

No graph available for this question

120 voters have answered this question.

If you go on cam, what do you show?

26% (95) Just face
37% (134) Me looking normal
28% (101) Just body
34% (125) I flash my top half
45% (162) I flash my bottom half
75% (271) I get totally nude
53% (192) I do sexy shows
25% (93) Me and my friends
6% (25) Rest of family
12% (45) My pet
5% (18) Whats on TV

358 voters have answered this question.

Say more about what you like to show on cam

No graph available for this question

104 voters have answered this question.

When you watch people on cam, what do you like to see?

22% (81) Just their face
60% (220) Their whole body
52% (190) Them flashing
84% (307) Them nude
43% (158) Topless
48% (176) No undies
19% (71) Their friends
7% (27) Their family
58% (211) Sexy show
2% (9) Whats on TV
13% (50) Just body, no face

362 voters have answered this question.

Say more about what you like to see on cam

No graph available for this question

103 voters have answered this question.

What was the best chat you ever had online?

No graph available for this question

98 voters have answered this question.

What was the best thing you ever did on cam?

No graph available for this question

114 voters have answered this question.

What was the best thing you ever some someone do on cam?

No graph available for this question

98 voters have answered this question.

What else do you want to say about chatting and cams?

No graph available for this question

76 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-03-09 14:40:16 by funfunfun
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