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House rules - general

This is the beginning of a series of polls on house rules This poll is a general poll on house rules.
Do you have house rules?
Yes, but not documented
Yes, documented on paper
What parts do they cover?
1. General behaviour
2. Dress code
3. School (like uniform and minimum grades)
4. Time restrictions (curfews)
5. Time restrictions (TV, internet, computer)
6. Allowance
7. Chores/tasks
8. Schedule (chores/tasks)
9. Punishments/Disciplinary measures
If house rules are documented must the children learn them by heart.
Yes, they are checked regularly
Yes, they are checked, not regulary
Are house rules updated?
Yes, often
Yes, rarely
Are there times when the house rules are put aside a bit?
No, never
Yes, occasionally
Yes, but almost never
Is there a section that covers rules for the parents?
Is there a section for an babysitter in the house rules
Do the house rules also apply outside and when visiting family/friends?
This poll was created on 2005-03-14 00:56:44 by Sinter