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Best super Power

This is to determine the best superhuman power

what is the best super power?

2% (10) alchemy: control of proton number; Lead to Gold or maybe a mountain to a big bal
2% (11) Electromagnetism: control of the electron; force like powers through magnetics;
9% (34) elements:Wind, Fire, Earth, Water
1% (6) Emotion: Control of Emotions
2% (9) Entropy: Chaos theory, energy becomes disorganized, in laymens terms control of
3% (13) Gravity: Control over gravity
2% (9) Illusion: Foolery of the mind by imagery
5% (22) Ivisibility
7% (28) Magic: Defying the creation of energy and matter; undefined energy
0% (3) Organic; powers of organisms; spiderman, catwoman
1% (5) Photons; Control over light
6% (24) Shape Shifting: ability to change shapes
0% (2) Summoning: Summoning animals, entitties, and necromancy
0% (2) Technology: Hacking, BUildinga a massive cannon, megaman
13% (49) Telekenisis: Control of matter with the mind
8% (32) Telepathy: mind reading/ mind control
5% (22) Teleport: MOving matter from point a to point b with no time inbetween
23% (87) Time: Control of time, seeing the future going back in time
1% (7) Vibe control of life or the Tao, move it away from an object and it dies.

375 voters have answered this question.

what is the second best super power

2% (9) alchemy: control of proton number; Lead to Gold or maybe a mountain to a big ball of hydrogen
4% (17) Electromagnetism: control of the electron; force like powers through magnetics; levitation, lightning.
6% (26) elements:Wind, Fire, Earth, Water
3% (12) Emotion: Control of Emotions
1% (7) Entropy: Chaos theory, energy becomes disorganized, in laymens terms control of heat
5% (20) Gravity: Control over gravity
2% (11) Illusion: Foolery of the mind by imagery
11% (45) Ivisibility
6% (23) Magic: Defying the creation of energy and matter; undefined energy
2% (8) Organic; powers of organisms; spiderman, catwoman
1% (5) Photons; Control over light
6% (26) Shape Shifting: ability to change shapes
0% (2) Summoning: Summoning animals, entitties, and necromancy
1% (5) Technology: Hacking, BUildinga a massive cannon, megaman
11% (42) Telekenisis: Control of matter with the mind
9% (36) Telepathy: mind reading/ mind control
7% (30) Teleport: MOving matter from point a to point b with no time inbetween
12% (47) Time: Control of time, seeing the future going back in time
1% (7) Vibe control of life or the Tao, move it away from an object and it dies.

378 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-12-21 08:19:59 by Zengata
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