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School House Rock

It's School House Rocky, a chip off the block, of your favorite school hose, School House Rock!

Which of the following have you heard of before now?

3% (35) A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing
3% (34) Verb: That's What's Happening
3% (33) Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Adverbs Here
2% (25) Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla
3% (32) Unpack Your Adjectives
3% (40) Conjunction Junction
3% (35) Interjections!
2% (24) No More Kings
2% (31) The Shot Heard 'Round the World
3% (34) Preamble
2% (23) Fireworks
3% (40) I'm Just a Bill
2% (28) Elbow Room
2% (26) Mother Necessity
2% (25) Sufferin' 'Til Suffrage
2% (30) The Great Melting Pot
2% (29) Zero, My Hero
2% (25) Elementary, My Dear (Two)
3% (36) Three Is a Magic Number
1% (20) The Four-Legged Zoo
2% (27) Ready or Not, Here I Come (Five)
1% (20) I Got Six
2% (23) Lucky Seven Sampson
2% (27) Figure Eight
2% (22) Naughty Number Nine
1% (18) Good Eleven
1% (17) Body Machine
1% (18) Them Not-So-Dry Bones
2% (24) Telegraph Line
1% (20) Circulation
1% (19) Victim of Gravity
1% (16) Weather
2% (25) Electricity
1% (17) Energy
2% (30) Interplanet Janet
1% (17) Where The Money Goes
1% (15) $7.50 Once A Week
1% (13) Tax Man Max
1% (16) Tyrannosaurus Debt
1% (15) Better Than Barter
1% (13) The Check's In The Mail
1% (18) Dollars And Sense
1% (16) Walkin' On Wall Street

1051 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following have you heard?

3% (28) A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing
2% (25) Verb: That's What's Happening
3% (28) Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Adverbs Here
2% (23) Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla
2% (26) Unpack Your Adjectives
3% (32) Conjunction Junction
3% (28) Interjections!
2% (19) No More Kings
2% (20) The Shot Heard 'Round the World
2% (24) Preamble
1% (18) Fireworks
3% (32) I'm Just a Bill
2% (20) Elbow Room
2% (20) Mother Necessity
2% (20) Sufferin' 'Til Suffrage
2% (22) The Great Melting Pot
2% (24) Zero, My Hero
2% (20) Elementary, My Dear (Two)
3% (28) Three Is a Magic Number
1% (17) The Four-Legged Zoo
2% (25) Ready or Not, Here I Come (Five)
1% (17) I Got Six
2% (19) Lucky Seven Sampson
2% (21) Figure Eight
2% (19) Naughty Number Nine
1% (16) Good Eleven
1% (15) Body Machine
1% (16) Them Not-So-Dry Bones
1% (17) Telegraph Line
1% (16) Circulation
1% (14) Victim of Gravity
1% (11) The Greatest Show on Earth
2% (23) Electricity
1% (13) Energy Blues
2% (21) Interplanet Janet
1% (15) Where The Money Goes
1% (16) $7.50 Once A Week
1% (12) Tax Man Max
1% (17) Tyrannosaurus Debt
1% (13) Better Than Barter
1% (14) The Check's In The Mail
1% (16) Dollars And Sense
1% (16) Walkin' On Wall Street
1% (14) Busy Prepositions
2% (20) The Tale of Mr. Morton
1% (18) Do the Circulation
1% (14) Little Twelvetoes

922 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following have you practically memorized the song portion of?

3% (21) A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing
2% (16) Verb: That's What's Happening
3% (19) Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Adverbs Here
2% (15) Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla
2% (17) Unpack Your Adjectives
5% (30) Conjunction Junction
4% (23) Interjections!
1% (11) No More Kings
2% (13) The Shot Heard 'Round the World
2% (17) Preamble
1% (8) Fireworks
4% (28) I'm Just a Bill
2% (14) Elbow Room
1% (11) Mother Necessity
2% (15) Sufferin' 'Til Suffrage
2% (12) The Great Melting Pot
3% (18) Zero, My Hero
2% (15) Elementary, My Dear (Two)
3% (19) Three Is a Magic Number
1% (11) The Four-Legged Zoo
2% (14) Ready or Not, Here I Come (Five)
1% (9) I Got Six
1% (11) Lucky Seven Sampson
2% (16) Figure Eight
1% (8) Naughty Number Nine
1% (10) Good Eleven
1% (6) Body Machine
1% (6) Them Not-So-Dry Bones
1% (10) Telegraph Line
1% (9) Circulation
1% (10) Victim of Gravity
0% (5) The Greatest Show On Earth
2% (13) Electricity
1% (7) Energy Blues
2% (12) Interplanet Janet
0% (5) Where The Money Goes
1% (9) $7.50 Once A Week
0% (5) Tax Man Max
1% (8) Tyrannosaurus Debt
0% (5) Better Than Barter
1% (6) The Check's In The Mail
1% (9) Dollars And Sense
1% (6) Walkin' On Wall Street
0% (5) Busy Prepositions
2% (17) The Tale of Mr. Morton
1% (10) Do the Circulation
1% (10) Little Twelvetoes

574 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following have you memorized the whole thing of, including the spoken parts?

3% (11) A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing
2% (9) Verb: That's What's Happening
2% (10) Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Adverbs Here
2% (10) Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla
2% (10) Unpack Your Adjectives
3% (11) Conjunction Junction
4% (14) Interjections!
2% (9) No More Kings
1% (5) The Shot Heard 'Round the World
3% (12) Preamble
1% (6) Fireworks
3% (12) I'm Just a Bill
1% (6) Elbow Room
1% (6) Mother Necessity
2% (9) Sufferin' 'Til Suffrage
2% (7) The Great Melting Pot
2% (9) Zero, My Hero
2% (7) Elementary, My Dear (Two)
3% (13) Three Is a Magic Number
2% (7) The Four-Legged Zoo
2% (9) Ready or Not, Here I Come (Five)
1% (6) I Got Six
2% (9) Lucky Seven Sampson
2% (9) Figure Eight
2% (7) Naughty Number Nine
2% (7) Good Eleven
1% (5) Body Machine
1% (6) Them Not-So-Dry Bones
1% (6) Telegraph Line
1% (6) Circulation
2% (7) Victim of Gravity
1% (5) The Greatest Show on Earth
1% (6) Electricity
1% (6) Energy Blues
2% (7) Interplanet Janet
1% (4) Where The Money Goes
1% (4) $7.50 Once A Week
1% (4) Tax Man Max
1% (4) Tyrannosaurus Debt
1% (4) Better Than Barter
1% (4) The Check's In The Mail
1% (5) Dollars And Sense
1% (4) Walkin' On Wall Street
1% (4) Busy Prepositions
2% (10) The Tale of Mr. Morton
1% (6) Do the Circulation
2% (8) Little Twelvetoes

345 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following do you actually like?

3% (19) A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing
2% (14) Verb: That's What's Happening
3% (21) Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Adverbs Here
3% (17) Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla
3% (20) Unpack Your Adjectives
4% (22) Conjunction Junction
3% (21) Interjections!
2% (11) No More Kings
2% (11) The Shot Heard 'Round the World
3% (20) Preamble
1% (9) Fireworks
4% (25) I'm Just a Bill
1% (10) Elbow Room
1% (9) Mother Necessity
3% (16) Sufferin' 'Til Suffrage
1% (9) The Great Melting Pot
2% (13) Zero, My Hero
2% (12) Elementary, My Dear (Two)
3% (16) Three Is a Magic Number
1% (9) The Four-Legged Zoo
1% (10) Ready or Not, Here I Come (Five)
1% (8) I Got Six
2% (12) Lucky Seven Sampson
1% (10) Figure Eight
1% (8) Naughty Number Nine
1% (8) Good Eleven
1% (7) Body Machine
1% (7) Them Not-So-Dry Bones
1% (10) Telegraph Line
1% (9) Circulation
1% (9) Victim of Gravity
1% (6) The Greatest Show on Earth
2% (11) Electricity
1% (8) Energy Blues
2% (15) Interplanet Janet
0% (4) Where The Money Goes
1% (8) $7.50 Once A Week
0% (5) Tax Man Max
1% (7) Tyrannosaurus Debt
1% (6) Better Than Barter
1% (6) The Check's In The Mail
1% (7) Dollars And Sense
0% (5) Walkin' On Wall Street
0% (5) Busy Prepositions
3% (16) The Tale of Mr. Morton
1% (10) Do the Circulation
1% (9) Little Twelvetoes

530 voters have answered this question.

Which type of School House Rock is your favorite?

35% (20) Grammar
21% (12) America
22% (13) Multiplication
14% (8) Science
7% (4) Money

57 voters have answered this question.

What's your favorite Grammar Rock song?

5% (4) Busy Prepositions
5% (4) A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing
10% (8) Verb: That's What's Happening
5% (4) Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Adverbs Here
4% (3) Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla
6% (5) Unpack Your Adjectives
12% (9) Conjunction Junction
16% (12) Interjections!
13% (10) The Tale of Mr. Morton
9% (7) I like them all about the same.
5% (4) I hate them all.
4% (3) I've never heard them.

73 voters have answered this question.

What's your favorite America Rock song?

7% (5) No More Kings
9% (7) The Shot Heard 'Round the World
8% (6) Preamble
2% (2) Fireworks
22% (16) I'm Just a Bill
8% (6) Elbow Room
4% (3) Mother Necessity
8% (6) Sufferin' 'Til Suffrage
5% (4) The Great Melting Pot
9% (7) I like them all about the same.
2% (2) I hate them all.
9% (7) I've never heard them.

71 voters have answered this question.

What's your favorite Multiplication Rock song?

6% (5) Zero, My Hero
4% (3) Elementary, My Dear (Two)
16% (12) Three Is a Magic Number
4% (3) The Four-Legged Zoo
13% (10) Ready or Not, Here I Come (Five)
4% (3) I Got Six
8% (6) Lucky Seven Sampson
5% (4) Figure Eight
6% (5) Naughty Number Nine
2% (2) Good Eleven
6% (5) Little Twelvetoes
8% (6) I like them all about the same.
4% (3) I hate them all.
10% (8) I've never heard them.

75 voters have answered this question.

What's your favorite Science Rock song?

4% (3) Body Machine
4% (3) Them Not-So-Dry Bones
9% (7) Telegraph Line
7% (5) Circulation
8% (6) Victim of Gravity
2% (2) The Greatest Show On Earth
15% (11) Electricity
4% (3) Energy Blues
12% (9) Interplanet Janet
9% (7) I like them all about the same.
7% (5) I hate them all.
14% (10) I've never heard them.

71 voters have answered this question.

What's your favorite Money Rock song?

5% (4) Where The Money Goes
8% (6) $7.50 Once A Week
7% (5) Tax Man Max
10% (7) Tyrannosaurus Debt
2% (2) Better Than Barter
2% (2) The Check's In The Mail
7% (5) Dollars And Sense
7% (5) Walkin' On Wall Street
13% (9) I like them all about the same.
7% (5) I hate them all.
26% (18) I've never heard them.

68 voters have answered this question.

What's your favorite School House Rock song overall?

1% (2) Busy Prepositions
2% (4) A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing
3% (5) Verb: That's What's Happening
1% (2) Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Adverbs Here
1% (2) Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla
3% (5) Unpack Your Adjectives
4% (7) Conjunction Junction
4% (7) Interjections!
5% (8) The Tale of Mr. Morton
1% (2) No More Kings
1% (2) The Shot Heard 'Round the World
2% (3) Preamble
1% (2) Fireworks
3% (5) I'm Just a Bill
1% (2) Elbow Room
2% (3) Mother Necessity
2% (4) Sufferin' 'Til Suffrage
1% (2) The Great Melting Pot
2% (3) Zero, My Hero
1% (2) Elementary, My Dear (Two)
3% (5) Three Is a Magic Number
1% (2) The Four-Legged Zoo
1% (2) Ready or Not, Here I Come (Five)
1% (2) I Got Six
1% (2) Lucky Seven Sampson
1% (2) Figure Eight
2% (3) Naughty Number Nine
1% (2) Good Eleven
3% (5) Little Twelvetoes
1% (2) Body Machine
1% (2) Them Not-So-Dry Bones
1% (2) Telegraph Line
2% (4) Circulation
2% (3) Victim of Gravity
1% (2) The Greatest Show On Earth
3% (5) Electricity
1% (2) Energy Blues
1% (2) Interplanet Janet
1% (2) Where The Money Goes
2% (3) $7.50 Once A Week
2% (3) Tax Man Max
1% (2) Tyrannosaurus Debt
1% (2) Better Than Barter
1% (2) The Check's In The Mail
1% (2) Dollars And Sense
1% (2) Walkin' On Wall Street
2% (3) I like them all about the same.
1% (2) I hate them all.
1% (2) I haven't heard any of them.

146 voters have answered this question.


47% (25) Male.
33% (18) Female.
18% (10) Not telling.

53 voters have answered this question.


4% (2) 7 or younger
6% (3) 8
0% (0) 9
0% (0) 10
6% (3) 11
4% (2) 12
2% (1) 13
6% (3) 14
6% (3) 15
4% (2) 16
4% (2) 17
0% (0) 18
0% (0) 19
2% (1) 20
2% (1) 21
0% (0) 22
0% (0) 23
2% (1) 24
2% (1) 25
2% (1) 26
0% (0) 27
0% (0) 28
0% (0) 29
4% (2) 30
2% (1) 31
0% (0) 32
2% (1) 33
0% (0) 34
2% (1) 35
4% (2) 36
2% (1) 37
0% (0) 38
0% (0) 39
2% (1) 40
20% (9) 41 or older

44 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-01-12 20:21:10 by Nyperold
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