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The Tsunami Disaster, American Generosity, and War

Are Americans generous?
GW Bush's first pledge of aid to the victims overseas was $35 Million. Did you know that equals no more than we spend on 7 HOURS of military operations in Iraq?
What do you mean, it costs 5 Million an hour to pay for this war?!
If, on the previous question, you were as shocked as I was to find it costs the taxpayers 5 MILLION DOLLARS AN HOUR to pay for our war, please mark one of the following:
We could be spending it on education
We could be spending it on health care
We could be spending it on fixing Social Security
We could be spending it on planting trees, or fixing up downtown areas
We could be spending it on drug abuse/treatment
We could be spending it on foreign aid to Tsunami victims
We could be spending it on public transit, so we wouldn't need oil OR cars.
We could be spending it on all of the above!!
We could be spending it on something else (not listed)!!
In 2000-(keeping in mind this was well over a year before our history's worst recession hit, post 9/11...)- 9.8 percent of French children lived in poverty, in the Netherlands, that figure was 8.4 percent, in Sweden, 3.7 percent. Do you know what the United States percent of children living in poverty was? A tragic 26.3 percent!! Please react with one, or more, of the following answers:
What?!! 26.3%?!!
And we're spending 5 Million dollars an hour on a WAR?!!
I'm glad I'm not a child growing up now!!
I wish I wasn't a child growing up now!!
What is wrong with the rich people in this country?!!-Do they hate children?!
We live in a third world country!
This poll was created on 2005-01-11 17:22:31 by More Facts, Less Opinion