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If Abortion Was Banned

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Just taking the temperature on the subject of abortion.

You are a woman who is pregnant. You do not wish to be pregnant or give birth. Abortion is banned. What do you do?

45% (25) Seek alternative methods to abort
43% (24) Obey the law and gestate the pregnancy
10% (6) Don't know

55 voters have answered this question.

I consider myself

40% (22) Pro Life
51% (28) Pro Choice
7% (4) Don't know how I feel on the subject

54 voters have answered this question.

I believe abortion should be

32% (18) banned for all
5% (3) permitted in the instance of incest or rape
49% (27) permitted for any woman for any reason
7% (4) permitted if the woman's life is in danger
0% (0) permitted if the woman's future fertility is in danger
5% (3) permitted if the fetus is fatally deformed

55 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-01-21 05:12:34 by Whattodo
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