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Young Starlets Compete!!!

Four girls under 17: Jamie Lynn Spears (Britney's sister), Emma Watson (Hermione in Harry Potter), JoJo (the singer), and Alexa Vega (Spykids). How do you rate them?
Who is the prettiest?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Emma Watson
Alexa Vega
Who's the most talented?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Emma Watson
Alexa Vega
Who's the toughest?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Emma Watson
Alexa Vega
Who's the weakest?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Emma Watson
Alexa Vega
At age 22, who will we hear most about?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Emma Watson
Alexa Vega
At age 22, who is most likely to be married?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Emma Watson
Alexa Vega
At age 22, who will be the scariest catfighter?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Emma Watson
Alexa Vega
Who would you most like to spend a day at an amusement park with?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Emma Watson
Alexa Vega
If a four way pillow fight broke out, who would emerge the victor?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Emma Watson
Alexa Vega
Who would wimp out quickest?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Emma Watson
Alexa Vega
GIRLS UNDER 18 ONLY! In a spirited pillow fight, how would you do against Jamie Lynn Spears?
I’m over 17 or a guy
GIRLS 12-14: I know I could take her!
GIRLS 12-14: She’d probably get me down
GIRLS 15-17: I know I could take her!
GIRLS 15-17: She’d probably get me down
GIRLS UNDER 18 ONLY! In a spirited pillow fight against Emma Watson, how would you do?
I’m over 17 or a guy
GIRLS 12-14: I know I could take her!
GIRLS 12-14: She’d probably get me down
GIRLS 15-17: I know I could take her!
GIRLS 15-17: She’d probably get me down
GIRLS UNDER 18 ONLY! In a spitited pillow fight against JoJo, how would you do?
I’m over 17 or a guy
GIRLS 12-14: I know I could take her!
GIRLS 12-14: She’d probably get me down
GIRLS 15-17: I know I could take her!
GIRLS 15-17: She’d probably get me down
GIRLS UNDER 18 ONLY! In a spirited pillow fight against Alexa Vega, how would you do?
I’m over 17 or a guy
GIRLS 12-14: I know I could take her!
GIRLS 12-14: She’d probably get me down
GIRLS 15-17: I know I could take her!
GIRLS 15-17: She’d probably get me down
Thanks for participating! Please answer this last question so I can make the polls better. Also, please feel free to leave a message about the poll, or elaborate on your responses. Have a good day!
GIRLS: I enjoyed it, and would do another like it!
GIRLS: It was OK, but no more like this, please!
GIRLS: I hated it!
GUYS: i enjoyed it, and would do another like it!
GUYS: It was OK, but no more like this, please!
GUYS: I hated it!
This poll was created on 2005-01-18 05:20:36 by tkat