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Ever had to clean out a lost and found?

If you've ever had to clean out a lost and found at work, was it hard or did you like it...tell us about it, please?
Have you ever cleaned out lost and found at work?
If you have, how would you describe your attitude about doing it?
Just doing my job
I had fun, but only because my friend was helping
I really enjoyed it
I'd have rather not done it
Did you spare any items from getting donated/trashed?
If there was an item that you had a tough time discarding from lost and found, what was it?
Photo or photo album
When you get assigned to clean out lost and found, how do you feel towards all the items in lost and found?
Glad to see them go
Feel sorry, but the owner should have came for it
Don't care
What do you tell someone if they come back for something after it got cleaned out of lost and found?
I don't think we found that
Sorry, it stayed here too long, it got tossed
You're too late
How close was the closest call you've seen for a lost and found item?
The owner came the day it was to be trashed
We had to let the owner dig it out of our trash
They called the day it was to be trashed
They came the day it was to go to charity
They called after we trashed it, so we dug it out
We had to call the charity & have it returned
We had to catch the ppl taking the trash out
If you've ever seen someone come back after an item was gone, how much too late were they?
Weeks too late
2-3 days
1 day
Their stuff just went into our trash that day
They showed up while it was taken to the dumpster
They showed up while it was taken to the charity
They showed up while it was taken to the crusher
This poll was created on 2005-01-25 15:25:39 by tylergarrisonroxmysox