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Do you think America will become an overseas empire

38% (44) Yes
61% (70) No

114 voters have answered this question.

Do you think Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya (when it is attacked), and North Korea (when it is attacked) will all eventually become part of n American Empire?

14% (16) Yes
64% (73) No
3% (4) Yes, but Libya wont be a part of it
5% (6) Yes, but North Korea wont be a part of it
12% (14) Yes, but both Libya and North Korea wont be a part of it

113 voters have answered this question.

Do you think the EU will become an coincede and become an empire?

49% (55) Yes
50% (56) No

111 voters have answered this question.

Do you agree with me when I say that by 2060, there will only be seven or eight nations, all international empires?

39% (43) Yes
60% (66) No

109 voters have answered this question.

Check the seven or eight you think will become empires

12% (61) America
2% (14) Canada
2% (10) Mexica
4% (20) Brazil
1% (7) Argentina
10% (54) EU
3% (16) France (seperate)
7% (38) Britain (seperate)
5% (27) Germany (seperate)
5% (25) Saudi Arabia
4% (21) Pakistan/Bangladesh
7% (38) India
9% (49) Russia
5% (29) Japan
12% (62) China
4% (22) Australia

493 voters have answered this question.

What kind of government will America have

36% (41) Same corrupt democratic republic
5% (6) True Republic (such as Rome)
3% (4) True Democracy (such as Greece)
11% (13) Christian theocracy
4% (5) Socialist paradise
1% (2) Communist dictatorship
0% (1) Regular ole' dictatorship
5% (6) Military Dictatorship
9% (11) Corporate Rebublic
3% (4) Oligarchy (one party state)
0% (0) Oligarchy (life)
1% (2) Oligarchy (two or more parties)
0% (0) Plutocracy
0% (0) Marxist Republic
0% (0) Populist Rebublic
0% (1) True Anarchy
0% (0) False Anarchy (will still be laws and law enforcement, no leaders)
4% (5) Feudalism
2% (3) Facist Government
0% (0) Absolute Monarchy
0% (1) Constitutional Monarchy
0% (1) People's Republic
2% (3) Despotism
2% (3) Regular Empire Government (such as late Rome)

112 voters have answered this question.

Will you please leave predictions in the message board?

16% (17) Yes
81% (84) No
0% (1) Yes
0% (1) Yes

103 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-01-29 16:54:17 by K.K.
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