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Animal abuse survey

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A school project to survey people's reactions and answers to animal abuse related questions.

Are you male or female?

22% (115) male
77% (386) female

501 voters have answered this question.

what is your age?

37% (190) 14 or under
35% (182) 15-17
20% (103) 18-24
1% (9) 25-30
0% (4) 31-35
0% (2) 36-40
3% (16) 41+

506 voters have answered this question.

Do you have any pets?

84% (424) yes
15% (77) no

501 voters have answered this question.

if yes, then what kind(s)? (mark all that apply)

49% (215) cat
75% (330) dog
28% (125) fish
15% (66) bird
14% (64) rabbit/rodent
10% (48) reptile
16% (70) other

437 voters have answered this question.

is animal abuse a problem to you?

80% (406) yes
19% (98) no

504 voters have answered this question.

Do you think you can do anything about animal abuse?

84% (427) yes
11% (56) no
4% (22) i dont care

505 voters have answered this question.

Have you or anyone you know ever seriously hurt an animal?

24% (122) yes
75% (384) no

506 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-02-09 00:11:33 by fbiuiagurl
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