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Shirtless Running (guys only)

For male runners and their thoughts/habits of running w/o a shirt


8% (22) 13 and below
37% (94) 14-19
23% (59) 20-29
12% (30) 30-39
6% (15) 40-49
11% (28) 50 and up

248 voters have answered this question.

On a warm day have you ever ran shirtless outside?

92% (230) Yes
7% (18) No

248 voters have answered this question.

To guys who regularly run shirtless, weather permitting, what are your reasons for doing so?

83% (204) Best way to stay cool
68% (166) Less restricting
38% (93) Saves laundry
34% (83) Prevents nipple chafing
67% (165) Work on the tan
45% (110) Show off the abs/muscles
10% (26) Other- comment in message area

243 voters have answered this question.

To guys who rarely or never run shirtless, what are your reasons for doing so?

64% (53) Self-conscious/body image issues
34% (28) Avoid sunburn
9% (8) Being shirtless in public is illegal in my city/region/country
30% (25) Other-comment in message area

82 voters have answered this question.

What is the minimum temperature at which you start running shirtless?

17% (42) Below 50 F (10 degrees C)
14% (35) 50 and above
22% (55) 60 F (16 degrees C) and above
28% (70) 70 F (21 degrees C) and above
17% (43) 80 F (27 degrees C) and above

245 voters have answered this question.

Where have you ran shirtless?

42% (104) At the track (indoor)
41% (101) At home on the treadmill
25% (61) At the gym on the treadmill
62% (151) At the track (outdoor)
82% (200) On the street/road
86% (211) At the park/trails
32% (79) At an organized race/track meet

243 voters have answered this question.

When are you shirtless during the run? Check all that apply.

58% (143) I'm shirtless once I start the run and never bother bringing a shirt with me
46% (113) I start out wearing a shirt and taking it off once I break a sweat
17% (43) I usually wear a shirt but will take mine off if I see other guys running shirtless
21% (53) I start my run shirtless but will bring a safety shirt with me just in case I may need to wear one
10% (25) I take mine off towards the end or at the end of my run
5% (14) I always wear a shirt no matter what

245 voters have answered this question.

If you are running with a buddy, you will run shirtless

76% (176) regardless of whether my buddy runs shirtless or not
23% (54) only if my buddy runs without his shirt

230 voters have answered this question.

On a warm day, If you are running in a group (e.g. track workout, group training run), you will run shirtless...

60% (137) regardless of whether the guys in the group are running shirtless or not
24% (56) when one or more of the guys in the group are running shirtless
15% (35) when half of the guys (or more) in the group are running shirtless

228 voters have answered this question.

If you brought a safety shirt with you, where do you usually place it?

65% (134) hang it from my shorts
34% (71) dump it a specific location and retrieve it later

205 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-06-15 23:44:40 by somedude22
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