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For Blackmen Only

Blackmens opinions on interracial marriage and Dating.
Have you ever been been intimate whith a caucasion woman?
Do you think that on the norm Blackmen are more attracted to whitewomen than any other ethnic group of women including Black?
Depends on personal preference
As you know there is a double standard in America it is more tolerant for Black female and white male unions but Black male and white female relationships cause the most noise? Why do you think this is?
Jealousy of Blackmen
Jealousy of Whitewomen
Whitewomen will always be regarded as the object of desire and fantasy.
The Brothers who have the nice jobs and even nicer cash seem to have the good looking whitewomen, however most brothers I know who a married to them still look out for other brothers, have you seen this or have some of them turned away?
Most Brothers who are married white women are still Brothers
Some have sold out
Some still look out but are not as militant or outspoken.
For brothers who have the nice looking white women have you ever had to throw hands and or take care of in ignorant redneck or racist because you were out with her in public.
Oh Yeah!
Nah I'm smart enough to stay out of place in which something could pop off.
No but have have had a standoff with some angry black women.
Do you think that most white women are attractd to brothers as well but are afraid of what peers family and friends will think if they date one?
Most white women are not into brothers
Will marriage and relationships between white women and blackmen increase or decrease?
Marriage will stay the same but sex will continue to increase.
Here is a difficult question if you had to choose between Pam Lee or Halle Berry who would you choose?
Halle Berry
Pam Lee
The Heck with it I'll take them Both
On the norm most Blackmen do not criticize other Blackmen for dating white or other have you ever taken heat from another Blackman for you relationship?
Some brothers give me the look but are okay with it.
Final question did you like this poll?
Poll is to contorversial
This poll was created on 2005-02-13 17:13:00 by pdog1