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Coping with embarrassment/humiliation

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I've experienced a lot of embarrassment -and humiliation- in my short life, and I've found there are various ways to deal with it. How, gven the choices, do you handle it?

When you are embarrassed and/or humiliated, how do you cope with it?

41% (33) Laugh about it, because nothing squelches it like humor!
43% (35) Bite my lip and endure it, figuring that tomorrow's another day and it won't last
18% (15) Brood darkly and hate myself for the experience, whether it was my own fault or not
25% (20) Brood darkly and hate the responsible parties and plan revenge at the earlist opportunity
15% (12) Forgive those responsible
21% (17) Don't exact revenge, but never forgive or forget what they put you through

80 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-02-21 22:08:44 by Scott Thomas
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