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Privacy rights double standard (medical field)

This poll is to address the issue of blatant disregard of Male patients privacy. I have experienced first hand and also seen other people get no respect from doctors and nurses of the opposite sex. I have found out from researching from the net on sites like http://patientprivacy.blogspot.com/ and http://www.thinklikeadoctor.com/exam.shtml#normal that alot of men are having this same problem. I think 1 of the main problems is women in general believe man are less modest with nudity than women, hence they don't deserve the same rights. Also another big factor is that alot of men don't complain or question or refuse if feeling abused or mistreated, whereas women are more vocal with their concerns. This poll is to get the views of both sexes and give reasons why they feel a certain way. Keep in mind tho im a male so i have to guess at what womens reasoning are. If u are a female and have insight or some point a view i missed please leave a message so u can give ur side here.

Are you a male or a female?

73% (76) Male
26% (27) Female

103 voters have answered this question.

Men have you ever seen a male patient nude or exposed in a humiliating manner?

63% (60) Yes
36% (34) No

94 voters have answered this question.

Women have you ever seen a male patient nude or exposed in a humiliating manner?

77% (31) Yes
22% (9) No

40 voters have answered this question.

If yes to the above questions , what was the situation?

58% (41) Male was taking off clothes at an emergency room or hospital and nurses failed to close the curtains.
50% (35) Teenage boy walking nude or just underwear down a semi public back hall to the scales or other room at Dr's office.
55% (39) Walking down a hall, you see a nurse or other personel suddenly open a door while a male patient is having a genital or prostate exam, exposing to u as u walk by a completely nude man.
30% (21) Watched your teenage brother or cousin get a genital exam.

70 voters have answered this question.

When a man patient was exposed from an open curtain what was the nurses actions.

53% (38) Didn't do a thing about it, just ignored him.
35% (25) Just laughed or giggled, then kept talking with the other nurse.
18% (13) Hurried to close the curtain and said she was sorry.
21% (15) Nurses never seen or noticed

71 voters have answered this question.

All nurses (male or female) have u ever seen or heard of

49% (28) Female nurses or doctors talk about a patients body parts among each other?
47% (27) Nurses or doctors taking longer than normal to give a physical exam or sponge bath because she was attracted to the guy or wanted to check out his big package.
42% (24) Have 2 or more nurses make small talk while bathing a male patient.
52% (30) A nurse standing in the same room watching another nurse insert a catheter or shave a man's pubic hairs.
42% (24) Have a nurse or nurses make fun of a patients small penis in the office or hallway.
47% (27) Nurse or Doctor say she gets a kick or thrill humiliating men or boys by having extra nurses of staff see the patients private parts.

57 voters have answered this question.

Women do u think that men should have equal rights to privacy as women?

63% (31) Yes
36% (18) No

49 voters have answered this question.

Men do u think men should have equal rights to privacy as women?

76% (66) Yes
23% (20) No

86 voters have answered this question.

Women why do u believe men should not have equal rights to privacy?

41% (15) Men are not as modest as women
33% (12) It's always been that way, why should i care it's not happening to me
25% (9) Men only have one private part, unlike women having breasts and private areas.
19% (7) Men show me their penis all the time, whats the big deal.
30% (11) It's men's fault they never complain enough to get changes done.

36 voters have answered this question.

Women do u believe women are more shy about their bodies than men?

69% (29) Yes, of course!
21% (9) about the same
9% (4) no, women like to show off their bodies.

42 voters have answered this question.

Men do u believe that women are more shy about their bodies than men?

57% (47) Yes, of course!
31% (26) about the same
10% (9) No way men are more shy!

82 voters have answered this question.

Men who thinks men are more shy why do u believe that?

66% (33) Men worry about their penis size all the time, and dont want others to see it.
42% (21) In doctors office its always cold and we are always made to strip to our underwear and wait for the doctor freezing, so penis gets massively small and shrivaled.
50% (25) There are so many times when more than one female employee is able to see me nude at a medical establishment.
32% (16) Women u know talks about how they prefer large penises, or how they hate small ones or having sex with small ones. Sometimes even at work they talk about and ridicule men, even when men can overhear.
16% (8) Men see womens bodies more often, in movies, at the beach wearing G-strings, or at clubs flashing their breasts or butts or even privates.
28% (14) Mens privates are less seen by the opposite sex. No frontal nudity films, rarely can a woman see man's package.

50 voters have answered this question.

Women have u or a friend ever asked a man his size down there, or ask to measure it?

70% (26) Yes
29% (11) No

37 voters have answered this question.

Men have u ever been asked your size down there, or have a woman ask to measure it?

56% (43) Yes
43% (33) No

76 voters have answered this question.

In general who is more superficial when it comes to the opposite sexes body parts?

46% (38) Men
53% (43) Women

81 voters have answered this question.

Men do u ever tell ur friends about sex with ur girlfriend in detail?

13% (10) Yes
15% (11) Yes, but only to say it's great, no details.
1% (1) Yes, to complain the sex is bad.
1% (1) Yes, to tell them a bodypart of my gf's body is gross and turns me off.
16% (12) Sometimes
57% (42) No, never that's personal

73 voters have answered this question.

Women have u ever seen a woman nude or exposed in a humiliating manner at a medical setting?

46% (18) Yes
53% (21) No

39 voters have answered this question.

Men have u ever seen a woman nude or exposed in a humiliating manner at a medical setting?

27% (22) Yes
72% (59) No

81 voters have answered this question.

Women do you believe there is a double standard from the medical field in terms of privacy for patients?

61% (26) Yes
21% (9) I don't know, never noticed
16% (7) No, its equal between men and women.

42 voters have answered this question.

Men why do u think there is a double standard?

58% (43) It's tradition that men get less rights than women.
49% (36) Women in the medical field dont care about the mens privacy.
28% (21) Some women in the medical field are perverts and like to see men nude.
38% (28) Female nurses and DR's like the feeling of power over men.
35% (26) Women in the medical field get a kick at humiliating men patients.
41% (30) Men are shy and don't complain or question when they feel abused or mistreated.

73 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-06-28 02:42:10 by jbforce
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