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Do Strawberries Give You Brainfreeze?

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Strawberries always give me brainfreeze, but my friends say they never do. How about you?

Do strawberries give you brainfreeze?

6% (1) Yes
6% (1) Sometimes
86% (13) No

15 voters have answered this question.

If no: Not even if it's really really cold?

46% (7) No. You're out of your mind
53% (8) Maybe if it's really REALLY cold

15 voters have answered this question.

If yes: High five!

9% (1) And i thought i was the only one!
72% (8) Loser.
18% (2) You're pretty cool. Let's spend the rest of our lives together in a back woods cottage that we build ourselves.

11 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-04-18 15:18:21 by Sara1250
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